Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Big Brother Feed Recap 04/16/08

Here ya's recap:

Midnight... Natalie is in the sauna praying. Adam opens the sauna door. Natalie tells him she was praying and in her best baby-talk voice she tells Adam she was praying to God telling him to "I just wanna stay, just one more week God. Please let those boys know I am telling them the truth God, please."

1:00AM BBT: Neither Ryan or Adam are tired. They’re talking about how much Sheila is going to freak out when it goes 1 – 1. Now Adam is considering what segments he might have on BB this week; Mr. A-bot-o, quitting cigs, faking out the cameras. Adam says he only has 10 cigs left and he thinks they will last him 7 or 8 days.

1:40AM BBT: Ryan and Adam are just rehashing general conversations they’ve already had but, Adam does mention how pissed he is about their 1am curfew.He gets out of bed to see if the BY is locked up, goes to the BR, admires himself in the mirrors, roaming the KT, looks for something to eat, etc. Sheila is up watching the TV with clicker in hand.Adam goes back to bed and tells Ryan he thinks something is “up.” Ryan speculates that it’s James and Chelsia are coming back in the house tomorrow. Ryan says he’d DoR.

1:50AM BBT: Adam says he's going to be up for another 30 minutes or so, "camp style." Adam yells to Sharon what she would think about Matt coming back and she said she’s fine as long as it’s not Jacob. Adam says it’s 2 for 1 tomorrow and that Matt is coming back. Natalie yells from the boat room, “kiss my ass, Baller" He repeats and she says she’s going to sock him in the eyeball.Natalie starts yelling to production that the nicotine patches have messed up the boys. They ask both the girls what they think of their Matt idea and the both say "NO WAY." Natalie repeats that she thinks their brains are fried from the nic patches. She says if Matt comes back she’s hitting the red button. They’re all in their respective rooms laughing, not being able to sleep.

To find out what else is happening, click here:

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