Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Big Brother Feed Recap 04/23/08

12:05PM BBT: The 3 just finished up a conversation in the boat room. Ryan went in there while Adam was in DR to give Sheila a chance to state her case. Ryan basically told her that that if he wins he will take Adam. Sheila says, “I dont understand why you two think I would just be ok with this and just walk out, I'm not Sharon. I’m sure it would have been easier with Sharon with her ‘what ever gods will is’ attitude, but I’m not Sharon.”

Adam joined in and said that he gave her a shot by keeping her in the house to win and Sheila says, “I tried” and Ryan said, “Yes you did, you had the same chance as us and it just didn’t work out for you.” Sheila wishes them both luck and explains she just wanted Adam to know she wasn’t threatening him when she said that if she goes she will be the campaign queen, she just had to ask and at least Ryan told her to her face he wasn’t picking her. Adam says this is hard for him, no matter what he will piss someone off. Sheila throws at him, “What if you were in my position and Ryan told you he was taking me?” Adam says, “I would be fine with it, whatever.” Sheila says, “Really, thats interesting.” The conversation calmed down with her saying good luck and the boys saying they understand how she feels. They chat a few about Sheila’s dog then leave.

12:15PM BBT: Sheila is now in bed (BB will not give her any Tylenol PM) boys in kitchen eating and smaking and burping and going over conversation. Adam tells Ryan that the best thing is for him to lose it to Ryan, “its best if you win and vote her out.”

for more, click here: (I have added some videos to the recap so be sure to check those out)

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