Survivor Fans vs Favorites - "Black Widow"
So from the previews I am not liking the turn this Survivor is making. First let me tell you, I am all woman, so I am sure some of you will be surprised when I say I don't want Woman Power to control the island. A chick fest I do not want Survivor to become. Of course that could be because now I only have James to root for since my beloved Ozzie is gone :-(
But unfortunately it looks like the girls do have the power and the guys are going to go down 1,2,3, unless the guys keep winning immunity. This reminds me of Big Brother which is currently in it's last 4 days and is nothing more than a testoserone fest. The final two houseguests are both men who do nothing more than gloat about their victory. At least if there was a woman there, maybe there would be some action. I have to say, I am a live feed watcher of Big Brother but not so much right now. Watching Ryan and Adam walk about and talk all day about being Masters of their Universe does not turn me on. Ok, I went off a little there on another topic but that is just another reason I don't want a chick fest on Survivor.

Back on the island the girls plan is to get Jason back on Exile Island where he can find the rehidden idol and then convince him to not use it and blindside him. Sounds like a pretty decent plan, if it works. Parvati and Cirie finally pull Amanda in to this chick group and explain why they did not tell her about the Ozzie blindside. The three of them agree to go to final 3.....and we know just how well Parvati and Cirie stand by their word. Be very careful Amanda. Amanda is my second choice to win, after James. Hopefully she will get in with the women just to keep herself safe but still try as much as possible to be loyal to James.
I love it when James tells Parvati that things will be awkward between them because of her betrayal. He tells her she should not have taken a bite of the apple. Go James....tell it like it is.

Reward challenge this week is the infamous Survivor auction for food and other goodies. One new added twist this year with the sharing of food or money. First bite of food goes to Cirie who gets hot dog and fries. Next item goes to Natalie.......bat soup.....LMAO. I call it "just desserts". She passes but James sees no point in letting food go to waste. He asks Jeff if he can have it and Jiffy says "hey, free food"....
Eric wins the next food item of nachos with all the fixins. Amanda goes all out for a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich with milk. Next is Natalie who gets a bottle, with a note. The note says she can send anyone to Exile Island and she gets all their money. Her plan is in motion. She sends Jason to Exile, even though he pleaded not to go. She gets his money and bids on the next item which is a big chocolate cake which she can share with 3 people. She chooses Cirie, Parvati and Alexis. They have 1 minute to eat what they can and they proceed to literally stuff their faces. After that, the auction is over and it'a back to camp we go.
Over at Exile, you knew that Jason would find the idol and find he did. So step two of Natalie's plan is now complete. It is at this point that my dislike for Natalie grows immensly. And give the girl some food please. She is looking very very bad, Nicole Ritchie bad. Back at camp the girls discuss fooling Jason when he comes back in telling him that the intended vote off is James. This will enable them to vote off Jason and thus getting rid of a threat and the idol....again.
It's immuity challenge time and this one is played in stages. First stage is throwing rocks to bust tiles. First four advance.....Jason, James, Eric and Amanda. The "black widows" are nervous what with Jason advancing.
Next step is digging up a key to untie some puzzle pieces. Once the puzzle pieces are untied, you must assemble them to make a wheel to be used as a crank to turn to lower some planks. First two will go on to the next round. Poor Amanda digs and digs and can't find her key. James jumps out to an early lead, with Eric and Jason not far behind. But in the end it's James and Eric that advance to the final round. Step three of the girls plan of Jason not winning immunity is complete. Maybe these girls aren't such airheads afterall.
The final stage of the challenge has James and Eric using their planks to get across a pool of
water. They only have two planks to use on a rope bridge. James strategy of standing up and going sideways doesn't work and he falls in and has to start over. This gives Eric the lead but not for long as James is hot on his heals. The last obstacle is a "disc" walk. They have to walk across a disc and rope bridge to the finsh line. James makes a gallant effort but to no avail. Eric wins immunity and on his birthday. Happy Birthday Eric.

Back at camp and the "black widow women" take a chance and sneak a peak in Jason's bag and find out he does indeed have the idol. So they lay it on thick when he returns and let him know that James is who they are targeting. They are hoping Jason does not use the idol and he will join Ozzie and James from last season in the Hall of Shame.
It's tribal council time and I love it when Ozzie walks in and flips everyone off. Or maybe he was just flipping Parvati off. this point he is not sure who backstabbed him. But it won't be long before he finds out who did it. James gets to speak and he point blank lets Eliz and Ozzie know that Paravati took a bite of the apple and firmly planted the knife in Ozzie's back. I rewinded this part a couple times just to see Parvati's face in knowing she has no chance in hell at the million dollars now and to also see Ozzie mouth the word bitch to her. Good tv there!!!!
Not a whole lot else happened at tribal as the "bww's" didn't want to say too much so they could insure Jason's departure. The vote comes down to a close one. James votes for Parvati.....James receives 3 votes and Jason enters the Hall of Shame with 4 votes used. That poor hidden immunity idol gets to go back to Exile for another shot at being used. I felt sorry for Jason a little bit in that he was played by that vile evil Natalie. But then again I am glad he is gone because he was instrumental in getting my beloved Ozzie off the island.
The next couple weeks should be interesting. I hope The Powers That Be figure out a way to keep James and Eric around for a while longer and make the black widows turn on each other. Problem is Amanda is low girl on the totem pole and if it comes down to a chick winning this, I want Amanda. So let's hope somehow James or Amanda gets the hidden idol and the other one wins immunity the next couple weeks and the balance of power shifts. Otherwise this Survivor will become one big drama filled chick fest.
and in case you are wondering what life is like when you are voted off the island, check out these videos of Life At The Ponderosa:
until next week.........

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