Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Big Brother Feed Recap..........July 23rd

12:20AM BBT:
Steven visibly upset talking to Dan and Angie comes out saying she's feeling sick Steve says "she's upset I'm leaving." Steven says rest knowing "tomorrow I will be drunk" and tells them he’ll be glued to BBAD and he has to figure out how to get it. They’re talking about his friend probably not watching because he thinks reality shows are ridiculous. Dan tells them he doesn't think Moica's watching after Angie asks. FotH.Steve saying he's by nature curious and is driving him crazy not "seeing these episode" what people are seeing and not seeing. There is a lot of silence.Dan is called to the DR and Steve goes over the regret of not putting 300 on his final HoH and Angie wishes things would have been different.Meanwhile… Inside Libra is pissed because she wasn't able to shove more food down her throat. Michele tells her give herself a few minutes and she'll be hungry. April ate PB&J and Michelle can't believe that’s the only thing she ate. They start dissin each other about being such pigs.

Its been a strange night on the feeds the cameras seemed to be all set on the same conversations. Steven did little campaigning and has accepted his fate of being the next evictee. Dan, Angie and Keesha are sad he's leaving with Keesha saying everyone at home is probably thinking: "Keesha's fallen in love with the gay man." She and Angie have told Steven they’re voting him out. Steve did say that he'll be glued to BBAD and while the next HoH will be reigning over and terrorizing the house and HGs.

2:00AM BBT:
Ollie and April have sex again, on the feeds, under the blanket and complete with sound affects. Right after, April says, "Wow." He's done by 2:06am.

3:00AM BBT:
It seems that BB told the HGs they had to go to bed.

9:30AM BBT:
FotH. When we come back, Keesha and Jerry are in the bathroom ADLing and Michelle and Renny are in the kitchen.

10:25PM BBT:
Chatting and cooking going on. They're going to be in HoH LD at some point. They've also teased Ollie about his snoring. Michelle and April think there is a funky smell coming from the fridge. Michelle found it to be so bad she gagged.

Keesha, April, Ollie and Libra are talking about Angie in the sauna room. Libra wants to make sure that if she isn’t HoH Angie gets nominated this week. April is worried that Angie will win HoH. Ollie says there is a 60% chance someone from their side will win HOH. Libra and Keesha join them. They are talking about Steven trying to get votes last night. Steven told Keesha that he did not want to leave the house with no votes. They are talking about the relationship Angie and Steven have. Saying Angie has every guy on her side except for Ollie. The talk continues between April, Libra, Ollie, and Keesha. Libra says that she (Angie) is very judgmental and that she has a lot of drama that is over the top. Dan comes in and asks how much more time they have before they are going to be on HoH lockdown.

10:50AM BBT:
Back from FotH every one is making their way upstairs. A few HGs are bringing their pillow and blankets with them. Jerry is in the kitchen finishing eating and drinking his coffee. Keesha comes back downstairs to get her blanket too; she says it is freezing in the HOH room. Jerry goes and gets his sweater. Jerry yells up to Jessie and ask him if he wants some food. Everyone is now in the HoH room for the lockdown. Little conversations here and there.

12:10PM BBT:
All HGs are still on HOH lock down, No talking, lots of sleeping.12:20PM BBT: FotH

12:25PM BBT:
The HG are out of lock down and are slowly heading downstairs. Libra has gone back to bed in the VW room. Other HGs are raiding the kitchen again.

12:25PM BBT:
FotH and back.

12:30PM BBT:
Back and FotH again. (Typical eviction day)

12:35PM BBT:
Back from FotH Jerry and Renny are in the Bath room doing ADLs. While April, Libra and Keesha are at the bar in the kitchen eating, Ollie is making a sandwich, and Steven is cooking something on the stove.

12:40PM BBT:
They're cleaning.

1:00PM BBT:
April, Michelle and Libra have had a Keesha bitch session today. It appears she hasn’t cleaned anything and has been painting her nails.

2:10PM BBT:
Jerry says he thinks Dan will still be in the house tomorrow and they start whispering about Memphis and someone else. Dan says they (he and Jerry) have to find somewhere to fit in. Jerry says they have to get two of the girls out of there because they are starting to organize along gender lines and outnumber the men. He says with April and Ollie and "her" they're starting to run things. Both leave the room at 2:20.

2:25-2:55PM BBT: We have Trivia on the feeds.

3:45PM BBT:
Libra, Ollie and April want Angie gone if they get HoH and Memphis trying to do damage control. Now it’s April and Ollie alone, April tells Ollie that Keesha said if someone (not sure who) wins HoH, April would go up against either her (Keesha) or Libra. Ollie saying to not get riled up before HoH as everything will be fine because they have the numbers.In the other parts of the house, people ironing, doing makeup, hair. Your typical eviction night stuff.

3:35PM BBT:
Apparently Keesha told April that Angie is putting two of the three of them up, so thats why everyone’s after Angie now.Jessie is advising Dan to stay focused in tonight’s HoH. Jessie encouraging him that he can do it just has to stay focused and he can take the win tonight. Jessie advises Dan to put up who he knows is coming after him (which is hardly anyone right now).Libra has many moles on her face, might get them frozen off.Jerry and Jessie are talking. Jerry thinks if Libra votes for Steven to stay he’ll still be here after the show. Jerry says, “You need to worry about Renny and Angie. Angie is doing exactly what she did with Brian. I like her but she's playing a loner...”Jerry tells Jessie he thinks the girls are playing their own game right now and Libra, Ollie and April are playing "that game" big time. Jessie explains Keesha told him the girls aren't happy with Libra and she’s one of the troublemakers. Jerry explains that they have a good shot because Michelle could win; he also has Keesha, and Dan who would do what he (Jessie) wants. Jerry wants to get to the jury and "see how that part of the game works"

4:00PM BBT:
Michelle saying they have rehearsal at 4:30pm. Her, Angie and Memphis are in the kitchen talking. Memphis says he really, really wants to win this today. Angie saying she does too. Angie wonders when the live audience gets there. Memphis saying they are probably brought in last minute. Angie thinks they're definitely there already. Other confirming all around the house that rehearsal is at 4:30PM.April and Libra start to talk about who they'd put up, April and Libra wonder if Michelle will vote with them to get rid of a boy. Libra says its possible. April starts to talk about her DR sessions, and fish.Jessie relays Jerry's info to Michelle that Dan might barely stay and Michelle says, "It's on!" Michelle says not to worry because in a few hours they will be back up in the HoH room. Michelle says Jerry knows nothing. Jessie quizzing Michelle

4:20PM BBT:
April says she's getting HoH this week to Libra and if Libra, Ollie or April doesn't get HoH, they're screwed. April: “We just GOT to win HoH! It’s either me and you, or me and Ollie. I just have a feeling. I have no idea what jerry would do."

4:25PM BBT:
Michelle going around confirming that Steven is going and everyone says, “Yes.” Now talk of how Jerry is stirring things and people getting ready, "How do I look" etc.

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