Thursday, July 24, 2008

Big Brother Feed Recap........July 23rd

When feeds came back everyone was talking over each other. Libra was very impressed with Keesha's HoH win and was dancing and acting almost like she'd won herself.

6:30ish BBT:
Ollie and April are talking. They're discussing the way Libra has been acting like she's the one that won HoH and that they have to distance themselves from her. April is very upset about the questions that she was asked and what the preacher’s son is doing with April because she drinks and cusses etc. She's worried about Ollie's father and wonders if she should back away from him.

7:15PM BBT:
Libra and Keesha are alone in the bedroom and Keesha is planning to put Angie and maybe Memphis on the block. Libra says that they have the votes to get her out if she does. They discuss Angie's face when it was Ollie, Keesha and Libra left in the HoH competition. Libra says she looked sick because she knows and Keesha says that she isn't a guy and can't be manipulated by Angie.Michelle comes in and they start chatting. FotH

An ID LD has been called, everyone that was outside came in and Michelle's Pizza is ready so some are sitting around eating. Jessie, Memphis and Dan are upstairs playing chess.

8:50PM BBT:
Keesha gets her HoH room. She got a bathing suit from her boyfriend, a letter from her Dad, her dogs toy that's been chewed on, a blanket with her dog's hair on it, hair dye and foils (she told Renny she has to do it), Dixie Chicks CD and snacks that she loves. There are no pictures of her boyfriend JJ and by just after 9pm everyone has left so she can read her letter from her Dad, Renny stays. As she reads the letter they both start crying.

9:10PM BBT:
Keesha tells Renny that she is the only person in the house that she trusts the most with Steven. And she also explains Libra and April's deal right at the beginning and how they hit it off. Keesha says she doesn't like to go back on it, but she is so stricken with it because Libra and April have been backstabbing her. She adds, “It sucks because when I give my word, I keep it to the end. When April and I got into a fight, I wouldn't have put her up.” Keesha saying she worries about Angie and her having all the boys on her side and none of the girls have that. Renny says, “She's not really with the girls. I'm not with them. I don't like any of them.”Keesha tells Renny that this game makes you crazy and that she can’t trust anyone. That she only trusted Renny and Steven, “When Steven left, I had such a hard time with it, there went one of the people I totally trusted. He told me, ‘You better fucking break up April, Ollie and Libra or they will take you out.’ Libra tells me she is so glad I won HoH and I'm like, no you're not." Renny thinks that April, Ollie and Libra wanted Libra to win so badly but she is glad it was Keesha that won. She adds, “Someone is going to win HoH next week. Things change in” ... FotH

April is now in the HoH with Keesha and Renny and they're talking about the letter she got and April is being all buddy/buddy.Meanwhile… Memphis and Michelle talking. They dont' think Keesha will go after them at all because of the situation with the girls. Memphis thinks it'll be Jerry and Dan. Michelle thinks Libra and April are going to talk her into putting up Angie. Memphis and Michelle continue talking about how Keesha doesn't like Libra. Memphis thinks that Keesha will stick to the plan though. Memphis goes to the WC.

Memphis is back and Michelle is saying how when Keesha won HoH that Angie jumped up going excited and Memphis thinks it is too early to put up Libra. Michelle says that in two more weeks, it's going to go down in this house and she wants an endurance competition so bad and she thinks it's better for them because “their” drama, it's going to get worse. They continue to speculate on who is going to be nominated. Dan told Michelle that Jessie is in the HoH room, which he isn't but Dan thought he was, so Michelle thinks Jessie is going to give them the dirt later.

9:40PM BBT:
Renny is leaving the HoH leaving Keesha alone with April. Feeds go to Dan and Ollie. Ollie is saying the girls don't like Angie. Dan leaves Ollie alone in the 80s room. Keesha and April are talking. I think Keesha is looking for loopholes with April to get out of this alliance. She explains, “We said we would have each others backs unless it jeopardized us, and now it's jeopardizing us. I believe she will put me up in an instance, April.” April tells her, “I don't believe that. She worried you were building an alliance with the other side of the group with Steven.” Keesha tells her she gave Libra her word and she doesn't go back on her word. April said she was glad she was first out. April is trying to smooth waters with Keesha about Libra and tells her, “I'm not here to play the game for her.” April is telling her that she told Libra not to go up there with Renny and Keesha, to just let her enjoy her time. Keesha says, “This is how I feel, She kicked me while I was down last week. I felt like she was the one constantly attacking me and getting people to put me up. That would be me going around saying that if Ollie is on the block that April is going around to keep Ollie safe.” Keesha explains that when someone you are close to goes up everyone looks for a reason and you are afraid to spend time with that person. They vent about Libra to each other and about Angie. Keesha says that she asked Angie if she wouldn't try and save Steven last week and Keesha thinks that Angie is a "dirty friend" because Angie said "No."

Speaking of Libra, here she comes... Before she enters the HoH room. April and Keesha promise to keep the conversation they just had between the two of them. Libra is crying now because of the letter and wants a letter like hers. Keesha says that Renny bawled like that when Keesha read the letter to her. General chitchat about Keesha's family watching her and no game talk yet. But that doesn’t last long.It sounds like Angie is going up for certain and they are trying to get the votes to get her out. They think they would have Jessie, Michelle, and possible Memphis to get rid of Angie, unaware or forgetting the four-person alliance between Jessie, Michelle, Memphis, and Angie.

They talk about putting Memphis up and how they will swear on the bible to Memphis that Angie is the target and he is safe. They are going to tell Memphis that they changed the eviction order because they heard Angie was coming after them. Libra wants to know if anyone else has tried to throw her under the bus besides Steven. They say not really but there has been talk about the fights Libra has had. Michelle comes up to invite them all to the sauna.

10:05PM BBT:
Memphis, Renny, Angie, Dan and Jessie hanging out in the kitchen talking about general BS. They talk of tampons and sex education. Dan talks about teaching sexed in the all-boys school he teaches at.

10:15PM BBT:
Ollie has joined the three girls in HoH. Keesha tells Ollie of her plan to evict Angie. Ollie is down for that and gives her his word he will vote her out. Keesha tells how she overheard Angie telling Steven that she would go after the four of them if she wins HoH. Keesha says she also wants Angie out for the way she left Steven hanging out there. Keesha says she has to put Memphis up against Angie because Jessie would never let Memphis get voted out of the house (smart girl). They think if they explain everything to Memphis he will understand. Keesha says the only other person she could put up against her is Michelle. They think Memphis is the smarter person to put up against Angie. Memphis will fight for the PoV and if he wins it they can put up Michelle in his place. They say if by some chance Angie wins PoV she can put up Dan and they house can vote him out and the house will be happy. They also discuss the possibility of pulling Dan into their alliance because he has no one.

10:30PM BBT:
Memphis joins April, Ollie, Libra and Keesha in the HoH. Keesha tells Memphis she is going to nominate Angie because she knows Angie is coming after them. Memphis asks why she thinks that. Keesha says she was told. Memphis says by whom? Keesha says, "By somebody very close to me." Memphis says he can guarantee that Angie is not coming after them and Angie would have stuck to the plan to nominate Jerry and Dan. Keesha says she can't nominate Jerry because she gave Jerry her word she would not put him up. Memphis says, "That sucks, that you gave him your word.” Keesha adds she knows Angie & Memphis are close but she knows Angie is a huge threat to her. Renny and Angie try to come in but Keesha asks if they could give them 5 minutes. Keesha says she doesn't under stand why the whole house has forgotten that Angie campaigned to try to keep Brain in the house and then they made Steven pay the price for it yet Angie gets away with it. Memphis says Steven was in on the Brian's plan to evict him the first week. They tell him Angie was involved in the plan too. Memphis keeps saying that's fine if that's what you want to do. Memphis says he's not in an alliance with Angie or anything so he won't campaign for her to stay.Memphis, who isn't campaigning for Angie to stay, says Keesha should be sure Angie is after her before she does something to put a target on her back. Renny comes in HoH. Everyone leaves but Renny. Keesha asks if Renny will vote to evict Angie if she nominates her. Keesha says she knows she will be throwing the first stone but Angie is a big threat & she wants her gone. I never hear Renny promise to evict Angie.Memphis is in the sauna whispering to Michelle telling her Keesha is nominating Angie.

10:50PM BBT:
Jessie comes up to HoH and Renny leaves. Keesha tells Jessie that she wants to nominate Angie. Keesha tells Jessie that Angie is also targeting Jessie. She says Angie told her that today but she is telling Jessie in confidence and she hopes it doesn't backfire on her. Libra and April come in and join them. They got beer!! Angie, Renny, Jerry, Dan, Michelle and Ollie come in. Talk turns to general chitchat.

11:40PM BBT:
Everyone's still hanging out in HoH. Lots of random conversations and everyone talking over everyone

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