Thursday, July 24, 2008

Big Brother Feed Recap.......July 24th

7:35AM BBT:
They're sleeping.

8:40AM BBT:
FotH. Everyone is getting ready. Keesha is hung over. Her, April and Libra are at the kitchen bench talking about having a burger or something. Renny is up making coffee. Libra has gone to brush her teeth, Angie is in the bathroom doing ADLs. Everyone getting up and around trying to wake up.
I heard Angie say there is a food competition today
Lots of bathroom action with people getting ready.

10:00ish BBT:
April and Keesha are in the bedroom talking, Keesha says she is going to put Memphis and Angie up this week and tell Dan she’s saving him this week and he needs to do the same for her next week. They think that Angie is a total bitch and cold and thinks she is so much better than the rest of them. She is fake and nasty. They agree that if Libra goes at some point they can bring Dan onboard with their alliance and with Angie gone next week Dan will be totally trustworthy. April tells Keesha that Dan is in her back pocket and that she can’t wait to see Angie’s face when she is nominated. (its a totally bitch session). They both agree they hate Angie and April says she can’t even look at her then adds, “I’m just glad our team is so strong right now, America is probably watching saying ‘YES’ rooting for us because we’re the underdogs.” More Angie bashing.
Meanwhile... Jerry and Jessie are sleeping on the LR couches while Michelle, Angie and Dan are chatting at the kitchen table.
April fills Ollie in, they both agree that Libra will probably go next and they will just pull Dan into their alliance. Apparently us live feeders LOVE them as they’re the underdogs and after this week Dan will owe them for saving him from the block.

10:40AM BBT: FotH.
Should be food competition.
There has been lots of talk about the food competition at least they have food for the whole house. Even if it is pigs feet and raisins…

1:10PM BBT:
Memphis talking to Keesha in HoH and he tells her if Angie won HoH she was going to put up Libra and April and she would be stupid not to go after the people who would put her up and tries to assure Keesha that Angie was not going after her. She said she appreciates that and Keesha said there is some people would have liked to nominate but she feels she can’t as she gave her word when they made their original alliance. Memphis understand and says he feels like the two of them could work together later in the game. He doesn't want her to put someone up and make an enemy that she doesn't want later. FotH
Now Jessie goes in the HoH room with Keesha... Jessie tried his best to get Libra put on the block. He kept telling Keesha that she is the one that causes problems all the time and tried to cause issue with April and Keesha. She tells him to go get April so she could talk to her. Now April is in the room, and Keesha has said that because Jessie is pushing so hard for Libra to be nominated that she is going to put Angie and Jessie on the bock. Libra comes in and they tell her what Jessie was trying to do. Keesha, Libra and April are upstairs watching the “other alliance” on the screen talking. They're going over and over it all again.

2:00 – 2:30PM BBT:
Keesha, April and Libra all talk and Keesha fills the girls in on what’s going and that she is going to put Jessie and Angie on the block and why. They pull Jerry in the HoH and Jerry says he saved Dan yesterday. They will bring Dan into their group when they are ready. They have 5 votes against 4 (there is actually only 8 votes this week, but who's counting? Maybe they're counting Keesha and she only votes with a tie). Jerry says Memphis is the biggest physical and mental threat. Jerry says Memphis has an aggression and meanness about him. They need to watch out for him and that they need to watch out for Michelle because she would be good for enduranceKeesha says she asked Memphis not to come after her if she doesn't up him up and that he agreed. Jerry says you can't trust that. Libra would never go to the other alliance no matter what, she would never cross sides.Memphis and Jessie join the other is the HoH and talk turns to chili snack chips. Everyone is tired and hungry.Ollie eating jalapeno potato chips in the boys bedroom, then went to the kitchen to join Renny. HOH group comes down to kitchen now too. General chit chat.

3:05PM BBT:
Keesha and Renny are in the HoH. Keesha tells her that she understands girls like April. She deals with that type all the time at Hooters but girls like Angie are scary. Keesha is telling Renny the truth - all of it. Says she is not putting Renny up and that she has gotten Libra and April to know they should not put them up too.Jerry comes up and Keesha wants him to get Dan to come up to HOH and Ollie has come in the HOH room. Libra and April talking about Keesha now asking each other what was said. April says she doubted you, she doubted me. We can't let that happen. We have to stick together. FotH

3:15PM BBT:
Michelle is in the kitchen, says she needs her mother's 'pig feet' recipe. Ollie says Michelle has been acting a little distant. She is 'with them'. They are going to ask Dan to come into their alliance, but not until after nominations. They feel bad for Keesha. Evidentially Keesha was crying to April last night.

3:20PM BBT:
Libra says to Ollie, “Hopefully you have our back." They hope he doesn't turn how Michelle did because Michelle tells Jessie everything. Ollie can sense when a person changes, and Michelle has changed. The other alliance has been trying to convince Keesha to stick to the plan. They think Memphis worked Keesha over defending Angie last night when they were drinking together. Libra knows Keesha has her back but she's still nervous. Libra says Memphis is going to win the car and the money. April and Ollie say “No.” Libra says the 'other' alliance was high-fiving each other celebrating that she was going on the block, but Libra trusts Keesha won't do that to her. Libra says she's going to wear her black glasses for's black Thursday. Libra indicates that Jessie came to HOH and told Keesha to put Libra up...

3:25PM BBT: Back to FotH

3:40PM BBT:
Feeds are back. Michelle and Angie on BY sofa talking game. Angie says that Jessie talked Keesha to put up Dan and Libra. Angie is hoping she won't be back doored, as she'd rather go up now. If Angie is nominated, she hopes the whole house will go to Keesha and pull a 'Brian' and try to get Keesha to backdoor Libra. Angie says Libra and April are scheming without Keesha, she hopes Keesha knows that. Michelle tells her how the HGs were watching Ollie, April and Libra scheming on the HOH monitor, and how their body language changed as soon as Keesha went down there. Feeds switch to Ollie, Libra, Keesha and April in HOH. Keesha knows she will be a target next week, and it's important for her to trust the right people. Keesha says Memphis and Jessie both made it very clear they don't want Angie to go up. Keesha made Memphis promise he won't use the PoV on Angie and in exchange, she won't put him up. Memphis agreed. Ollie said that was smart. Keesha says she knows about the Jessie, Memphis and Angie alliance because she's watched it on the HOH TV. It's more important now than ever that Ollie, April, Libra and Keesha trust each other and stick together. Keesha said that Jessie is going to explode. April says they have to protect Keesha because Jessie is going to blow-up. Jessie pressured Keesha to 'stick to the plan' in regard to not nominating Angie. Sounds like he's been trying to turn Keesha against her alliance.Dan and Jerry still playing chess.

3:50PM BBT:
April, Keesha, Libra and Ollie are debating about when to make an offer to Dan to join their alliance. Some think they should mention it before the nominations because everything is going to be chaos after. They agree to propose it to Dan now, but not to disclose the nomination plan. Ollie is calling Jerry and Dan into the HOH.
Dan's in! April says what is said in the HOH right now, stays in the HOH. Dan gives his word. Ollie says Dan has to pick his side. Today is the day. Dan says he has no current alliances. Keesha says the people on the 'other side' are the ones that were pressuring her to put him up. Ollie and Keesha tell Dan they want him on their side. They have the numbers. Keesha tells them that Dan and Jerry were supposed to be the next one's up. Keesha says she admires Dan because he stuck to Brian to the end. Dan says to be honest, he has talked to people, but he has no alliances. Ollie tells Jerry and Dan that after what goes down tonight, they all need to protect Keesha. Jerry says if they all stay true to each other, they have the numbers. Dan asks since he hasn't been in on the conversation, have they thought about the PoV and covered it. Keesha says she has it covered. Dan says he can't lie to people's faces, what should he say to people? Ollie tells him to make it a joke or walk away. They give Dan permission to talk to anyone else in the house they want to. Dan warns them that once the other side finds out he's with them, be prepared to hear them say Dan talked bad about them. They all agree, from this moment forward they stick together.

4:05PM BBT:
The girls hug Dan and welcome him into the group. He should know how loyal they are because of how they've behaved in the game. Dan warns them again, the other side is going to come to them and say that Dan was against them. Dan, Ollie, Libra, April, Keesha, Jerry and Dan all agree to stick together even when things get rough.Meanwhile… Jessie and Michelle are in the boy’s bedroom laying on the bed whispering game plans. Jessie said Keesha said she wouldn't know what to say if she put up Dan and Libra and that she wouldn't be able to give a reason/story. Jessie told her there's no need for a story, you just say, "Dan, Libra...I nominated you." Jessie told Keesha that Dan would understand and be respectful, that he has been respectful this whole time. Jessie wasn't able to convince Keesha, as Keesha just kept saying, "I need to talk to April." Michelle says that every time someone goes to the HoH room to talk to Keesha, Libra follows them up and interrupts them. Keesha told Jessie she wants to put up Dan and Angie, and she asked for his word he'd vote out Angie. He didn't like her breaking the plan or telling him what to do or who to vote for, and he was getting nothing. Jessie says he thought Ollie was straight, but he noticed Ollie didn't look anyone in the eye when he came out of the HoH. Jerry comes in the room to lie down and the conversation stops.

4:15PM BBT: Back in HoH with Ollie, April, Keesha and Libra. They are afraid Michelle will take Jessie off the block if she wins HoH and they Keesha will not have a replacement. They are going to tell Michelle that if she uses the PoV, that she's going home next week as there are 7 of them that will gun for her. Ollie said Michelle messed up going on the other alliance. Ollie tells the group that Michelle and Angie are in an alliance, that they were strategizing in front of him. Group breaks up, as Keesha wants to take a shower. Libra thanks Keesha for sticking with her. Keesha says, “No problem, I just hope you know now that you can trust me.” A little later… Several HG in back yard but no game talk. A few of them are playing basketball.

4:35PPM BBT:
The feeds are on Trivia so I assume the Nominations are underway.

6:00PM BBT:
Still Trivia.

6:05PM BBT:
Feeds are back. Jessie and Angie are nominated.

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