Thursday, July 24, 2008

Big Brother Feed Recap........July 24th

After people fighting for Keesha's attention and personal time with her. Libra has succeeded in having Keesha gravitate to Libra, Ollie and April Alliance with tears and "I have your back" but as of 1:53am she hasn't had a lot of one and one time with Jessie, Michelle and Memphis. After contemplating putting up Memphis as a pawn, Keesha has decided to put Dan up with Angie who she wants out even though it’s "not personal". She doesn't plan to tell Dan he's going up and Dan will be the target if Angie wins PoV as she refuses to put Jerry or Renny on the block. With Keesha though she tends to go whichever the BB winds blow so I suspect she may change her mind come nomination time later today.

3:00AM BBT:
Seems like Libra has been kissing Keesha's ass for over 30 minutes now. They are talking about April and Keesha telling her how she needs to pay attention to her but the four of them need to stick together. Looks like Angie is still going up for sure no change there yet haven't heard confirmation on the other nominee although it looks like Dan will be up with Angie. They count the votes and think she has Libra, April, Ollie, Renny and Jerry to get rid of Angie and to also have her back next week if it does backfire.Dan and Jerry get up they whisper something and Dan heads to the HoH and Keesha hushes Libra and they ignore the door being very quiet. Dan heads back down to Jerry and by the time I changed the feed to them the whispers were done.No real surprise as it hears a 45 minutes conversation about the same thing over and over. Looks like Libra has found a new best friend in the house. Go figure it just happens to be the HoH Keesha.

By 3:55am they’ve finally gone to bed.

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