Friday, February 29, 2008

Big Brother Feed Recap 02-29-08

Midnight BBT: Natalie decides to study the house for the POV competition

12:20AM BBT: Josh and Sharon still awake in the HoH. He tells her that Matt told him someone gave him a BJ in the house. Josh thinks it was probably Natalie. Natalie is reading the bible. Adam gets up and goes outside to have a smoke... Natalie joins him in BY. They start talking about the PoV. Natalie tells Adam that Allison and Ryan "CAN NOT" win tomorrow. Adam shares with Natalie that if they (Adam and Sheila) win PoV they will NOT change nominations but, that they will vote to keep Matt and Natalie.

12:45AM BBT: Natalie tells Adam all the things she's studied for the PoV. Such as; how many books on the walls, what animals are on the cups, how many logs, etc. She then starts to read parts of the bible for Adam.

1:00AM BBT: Matt is happy that Natalie has come back to bed, he gets to listen to bible verses now!

2:45AM BBT: All house guests are asleep.

5:45AM BBT: They're sleeping.

7:30AM BBT: They're still sleeping.

9:10AM BBT: Sleeeeping! 9:30AM BBT: LOL - The HGs were woken up with and opera version of Strangers in the Night. Who ever I had my feed on pulled the blanket over their head.

9:33 AM BBT: FotH When we come back we have Sharon running her mouth again in the HoH room. She and Josh are saying that they want to win three competitions in a row. They head down stairs.Allison is cleaning the kitchen up and others are doing ADLs. Allison walked over to Matt who is at the kitchen sink and gave him a back hug good morning. Sharon and Josh are in the SR and she's running her mouth. Allison told James and Chelsia she is up today because she has to save her ass.Natalie is asking Allison if someone that wasn't on the block wins PoV it means if they use it they're immune. Allison says yes and Natalie said that's what she told Adam last night and he kept telling her she was wrong. Allison tells Natalie that she (Allison) MUST win today.Sheila and Josh are in the kitchen eating while Natalie and Allison continue to do their makeup.

10:10AM BBT: Josh and Sharon are back in the HoH, she doesn't want to get dressed until BB tells them what kind of clothes they need for the PoV. Josh comments that they should put Sheila and Allison on the block (assuming Matt/Nat win PoV) and let them tear each other apart.

for more on todays happenings, click here:

Survivor - Fans vs Favorites - Cirie Is In Charge

I finally got around to watching the episode of when YauMan was voted off. Let me start out by saying how much I love Jeff Probst, our little Jiffy. He cracks me up and his sarcasm is too funny. If Jiffy ever decides to stop hosting Survivor, then Survivor will end. There is nobody else that can take his place and still provide us with the entertainment he does.

Now on to the show, the reward challenge was brutal. I saw several hits that had to hurt. It hurt me just watching it. James showed his strength during this challenge. I had to crack up laughing when he just barrelled into a crowd of fans and took them all out. He is a brute and he showed it in full force during this competition. Jonathan really stepped up and from the onset the Fans were doomed.

Exile Island proved to be a brutal experience for Kathy and Ami. They were soaked with rain, as was the Fans tribe with no adequate shelter, but alas because of the reward win the Favorites were high and dry during what had to be one of the worst rain storms since they got there.

As for the immunity challenge, this appeared to be nothing more than who is the strongest. But of course accuracy came into play because you had to get the coconuts in the basket. This looked like an easy challenge for our Favorites, what with James and Jonathon helping in holding the basket up. But it wasn't long until accuracy was the key element in this challenge as the Fans were getting more coconuts into the Favorties basket and it wasn't long before the Favs were struggling. The Fans won this one hands down and the Favs go to Tribal Council.

The alliance of Yau, Jonathan, Ami and Eliza have their sights set on Parvati. The couples alliance, specifically Ozzy, Amanda and Parvarti, decide to go after Yau and do some heavy campaigning against Yau to Cirie and for some reason with Ami and Eliza. Jonathan's name was also brought up as a secondary bootee, but because his ears were undoubtly burning, the conversation stopped as soon as he walked up. I, for the life of me can not understand why if the couples alliance knows the other 4 (Yao, Jonathan, Ami and Eliza) are together they would talk to Ami and Eliza about voting off one of their own. Am I missing something here.

Something I did not know was happening is an apparent alliance between Ozzy and Jonathon who were caught discussing who to vote out, specifically Ozzy wants Eliza out. Another alliance member for the couples that floored me was their fifth, Ami. It is apparent that there are many alliances working within the main two alliances. Looks like Ami is working both sides, or at least putting up a good act of working both allainces. Oh what a tangled web......

At tribal council, Jiffy probes our Favs about their loss at the Immunity Challenge and how it made them feel. Duh, Jeff! Cirie gives up the most information when she says she is playing not for the tribe but for herself, thereby letting Jonathan know she is not voting his way. Cirie needs to learn to keep her mouth shut, she gives up way to information including that Jonathan's alliance is planning to vote off Parvati. In the end the couples alliance win out and our beloved Yau-Man is sent packing. Look for the small sub-allainces to take over now, as Jonathan will be scrambling. If the Favs lose the next immunity, he is a goner for sure.

I will be back soon w ith my take on this weeks Survivor and will try to not be so late in getting my comments up.


Thursday, February 28, 2008

screencaps for feb.27th

CLICK HERE to view almost 600 screencaps.

Big Brother Feed Recap 02-28-08

Midnight BBT: Allison goes outside by Josh, Ryan, Adam and others. Allison yells at Josh, he yells at her and She says, "BB said 5 feet he must stay you are in my space" (didn't she come outside?) FotH. Allison yells more and says people will make fun of him outside these walls. She says she doesn’t lie (lol). Josh yells at her saying leave, cunt and other things. Allison heads inside. Ryan yells at Sharon telling her she said stuff. Adam backs Sharon up. Natalie then backs up Sharon. Josh says, "She’s just trying to make me get into her space and get tossed out and I won't do that." Sharon and Ryan yell more. Adam, Nat, and James are laughing at Ryan. Josh heads inside. Adam and Sharon say Ryan's lying. Inside Allison goes to the DR. Matt and Shelia get told as Josh approaches and yells more at the two. Allison comes out of DR Josh says, "You’re fucking going home" so we get FotH at 12:04 am BBT till.... 12:12 am BBT.

Adam, Josh, Natalie and Sharon are in the HT and Allison is in bed. Adam and Josh say she is "Delusional, making her own stories up." Adam says, "She caused to many lies so far." Ryan heads to see Matt and tell his side of story then gets into bed with Allison. He seems unhappy with Allison and questions her about what is going on. Allison said Sharon is lying not her and she tells Ryan not to talk to her and leaves. Ryan asks, "So you’re lying to me?" Allison says, "Just leave Ryan, leave! I don’t give a shit ok, bye good bye whatever Ryan. All the good stuff I said about you was false you are a piece of shit." Ryan leaves and tells Matt and Shelia how Allison is totally done. Outside Josh says, "Allison actually afraid of me. Let us all go and yell at her tomorrow and tell her what we feel together." Ryan asks Matt and Shelia if he can sleep on their floor tonight. They tell him he can so Ryan gets pillow out of SR and lays down on pull out coach. Matt says, "Allie's gone nuts." Shelia laughs.Josh, Sharon, Adam and Natalie realize all the lies Allison told since day one.

12:20AM BBT: Chelsia checks in on Allison. Allison says, "Ryan’s a fucking retard he’s looks like a gorilla he’s a retard!" Allison says Ryan's lying and Allison says she doesn’t care about game and will never go to DR. So we get FotH at 12:22am till..... 12:24 am BBT.

you know the drill....for the rest of the happenings in the house, click here:

Big Brother - Evicted Couple Gets A Surprise????

So at the end of last nights show we were given a teaser that next weeks evicted couple gets a surprise. Any guess as to what that may be. I have a few thoughts oin what that surprise could be.

1. The evicted couple joins the other evicted couples in sequester and they are all sent to a second BB house. Each house will then compete against each other with one house voting out the other house.

2. The evicted couple joins the other evicted couples and everyone comes back into the game, as singles. Partners are dissolved.

3. The evicted couple chooses one of the other evicted couples to reenter the house.

4. The evicted couple chooses the next HOH couple.

5. Or the lamest of all and one that is not really a twist - the evicted couple becomes the first members of the jury.

From what we can tell, everyone has been sequestered. None of the evicted houseguests have done House Calls, the Early Show or any interviews, so it makes you think they are sequestering them for something.

Got an idea or a comment on one of the above ideas, let's hear it:

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Live Evictions and a New HOH crowned

The fact that Alex did not campaign to stay in the house did not make a difference in my opinion. They were put up on the block this week and were THE target. If they had won POV and taken themselves off the block then Matt and Natalie would have been the next best choice. Matt did campaign but again I don't think it really mattered. If he and Natalie had been the main targets then they would have been the ones to go regardless of what promises they made.

There was a moment when Allison talked to Ryan and some of the other HG's that maybe Natalie and Matt should be the ones to go. Reasoning that they might be the stronger couple next week having been on real food vs Amanda and Alex who had been on slop and Amanda falling ill. James said he had no problem with Operation Bro-down (take out Matt and Natalie then next week go after Amanda and Alex). They all seem to go back and forth all week long. But ultimately stick to their original plan "Operation Condor" and cast a unanimous vote to evict Amanda and Alex.

I am a bit sad by this. I liked A&A a lot better than M&N. Was the right choice made? Not sure. They did accomplish one good thing and that was breaking up a potentially house dominating alliance. I think Chelsia and James better watch out though. I hope they are able to avoid being kicked off. They have become my fav couple in the house.

Alex and Amanda were not-surprisingly upset. Alex said he kept it real and kept his word but your word means nothing in the house. And takes part of the blame for the eviction. Which was nice to hear since he had been so outspoken about Amanda being 100% at fault for them being nominated. I am sad to see them go.

The HOH comp was all about the love poems found around the house. Luckily for Joshuah and Sharon they had spent some time memorizing and studying all the poems around the house and they got all the questions correct without much opposition from anyone else. As the new HOH I have no clue who they are going to target. Should be interesting. My picks for the next nominations would be Matt and Natalie & Sheila and Adam.

Julie mentioned something at the closing of the show about a new chapter starting. The next evicted HG's are in for a big surprise. Have no clue what this is but I can hardly wait and hope it is something scandalous.

top 10 boys - the kid has got it!

overall for me the top 10 boys 70s night sucked big time. michael was ok, most were dreadful, little david was awesome. his chilling rendition of "imagine" even moved the judges. this kid is in it to win it!

screencaps for feb.26th

CLICK HERE to veiw over 500 screencaps.

Big Brother Till Death Do Us Part.....Feed Recap 02/27/08

7:30AM BBT:
HGs all still sleeping, but there is a lot of background noise. I can hear coffee cups and spoons clanging. Sounds of someone walking up and down stairs. All four cameras are on Allison and Ryan. Ryan seems very restless and it sounded as if Allison whispered something in her sleep.

9:00AM BBT:
They're still sleeping. All four camera views are not on the HoH room.

9:05AM BBT: FotH.

9:25AM BBT: Lots of ADLs going on. People showering and shaving.

9:25AM BBT: Josh gets on the scale and he doesn't look pleased. Allison is taking a shower while Sheila says; “We should just hang out in the sun if it is warm out there.” They talk of the chess game last night.

9:35AM BBT: Allison is finally done with shower. James and Josh have a quick conversation in the SR. They’re talking about having targets on their backs. Josh says, “I don't talk to Amanda, she hates me... she is going to put me on the block, if I don't win HoH we are fucked.” James tells him, “No pressure.” James grabs cups and takes them to kitchen. We go back to the bedroom with Amanda, Sheila and Allison. Amanda says, “If we vote tomorrow we are going to vote for him.” Allison says, “I am not talking to anyone without Ryan.” Amanda says, “I wouldn't either.” Allison tells her, “He was just saying stuff that was pointless stuff.” It’s really hard to hear as they have hairdryers going.

9:40AM BBT: ALL feeds on BR with blow dryer.Sheila, Natalie and Allison are talking about Josh and what he's been saying. Natalie says Josh asked her who her and Matt would put up on the block if they win HoH, and she said whoever put her up. They are talking about getting rid of Josh.Josh now comes in and is vacuuming. The girls stop talking. Now Josh has left and only Sheila (Blow-drying hair) and Natalie (make-up) are left in the BR. They're talking about someone (Chelsia or Amanda) and how they are stupid for talking shit about people because you don’t want to alienate someone. Sheila says that's why she is so shocked that Josh is going around and saying the things he's saying and doing the things he's doing because it is putting a target on him. It will get him voted off.

for the rest of todays recap, click here:

girlicious - confidence

overall so far my fave girl is nicole. she's cute, hot, a good singer and doesn't seem too catty. she seems just nice.

my fave performance was "tearin up my heart". they gelled well, it sounded good, it looked good. everything about it was good.

the madonna song was my second fave and i think nicole did the best in that group. i can't stand the red head though. she all but lost the challenge at the ball field for them. and she's so freaking cocky it's disgusting. i hope she goes home soon as she could never survive in a group because everything is all about her. she was crying on the phone with her mother saying people didn't like her. her mother says "overall whatg's the most important thing honey?" and what does this air head say??? "winning?". no you freakfest ..... trying your best and being true to yourself!! mama must be sooooo proud!

the worst group was "baby one more time". the outfits were cute even though predictable but that's about all to say. pitch problems and they didn't mesh at all.

Big Brother Till Death Do Us Part.....Feed Recap 02/26/08

1:55AM BBT: Amanda and Matt are in front of the memory wall discussing the upcoming eviction. Amanda thinks that tomorrow will be bad and Matt thinks that packing will be the worse thing. They’re both feeling uneasy about the next day. Amanda is sure that Natalie and Matt are safe but Matt doesn’t agree. She tells him that if it’s a 0-3 vote him and Natalie will be safe. They also discuss who the strong players are and both agree that James and Chelsia and Allison and Ryan are the strongest in the house.

2:10AM BBT: Amanda, Alex, Josh and Allison are talking about whose best looking in house. Josh says Amanda's #1 so does Allison. Alex says she’s #2 behind Jen. Amanda says #3 with Jen. Ryan enters and says you are 2nd and Jen's 3rd. Shelia yells to them that Amanda dresses like average women in LA. Alex wants to do Amanda’s hair. Ryan says Amanda and Alex are cutest couple. Alex tells Ryan, “Bite your tongue Ryan.” Amanda calls Allison "Blondie." Alex makes fun of Amanda’s hair. Amanda says she asks everything bout Alex but he never asks Amanda her favorites. Ryan says I’m leaving I know where this is going. Ryan says he knows Amanda favorites and so does Josh.Amanda says Shelia helps her when boys make fun of her. Ryan and Alex tested Amanda blood earlier. Alex says Amanda doesn’t have a loud voice she has a microphone. Alex tells Amanda its time to go to bed. Alex says, "Ready to go to bed with rapist." Amanda says, “I never said that.” Amanda chases Alex around house. They try to pants each other and Alex throws objects in her way as she chases after him. Alex covers Amanda with shirt. Amanda runs out of boat room. Alex peeks his head out of door and gets whacked by Amanda with a pillow. Allison says, “You two are soul mates." They both say at the same time, “No we aren’t.” Amanda hits Alex with pillow again. Sharon tells her, “Amanda he’s going to hurt you when you slept.” Alex comes back with, “No I’ll be a rapist." Amanda again says, “I never said that.” Alex lies down in bed. Amanda gets bagel and butters it and throws it at Alex and runs away again.Matt is sleeping outside, as he doesn’t want to sleep with Natalie who has a bloody nose.

Between 2:30ish and bedtime: Matt, Natalie and Adam have talk about the fact that anyone but Josh and Sharon need to win HoH this week so Josh and Sharon can be put on the block and go home. They think it’s funny that Josh thinks that Allison is voting out Matt and Natalie. By 3am everyone was sleeping.

8:00AM BBT: They're all still sleeping.

9:09AM BBT: The HGs are woken up by "I wanna be Sedated" - The Ramones.

9:25AM BBT: Everyone is almost awake and chit chatting. Sheila is in the shower. James was in the HoH bed still. Allison and Ryan are in bed with Amanda talking to them. Alex was in the bathroom doing ADLs. Sharon is in the background behind Allison and Ryan still sleeping. Amanda sings and FotH again. That's the second time she's done it.

9:30AM BBT: Chelsia just came in the room and jumped on Ryan and Allison to get them up for the day. Alex walked past Amanda on the chair and pulled her hoodie over her face.

for the rest of the days happenings in the house, click here:

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

screencaps for feb.25th

CLICK HERE to veiw over 400 screencaps.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Big Brother Till Death Do Us Part.....Feed Recap 02/25/08

12:00AM BBT:
Joshua and James are sitting in the LR listening to Amanda talking to everyone about STDs. They are just sitting there and laughing at everything she is saying basically and trying to understand how all the making out changed to STD talk. They say that Amanda is just scaring everyone and Joshua thinks that she probably has never had sex, she's just a big tease. Amanda hears them laughing and tells them their conversation is really serious and they should join them. The talk ends as Matt and Amanda come out to the LR.

12:15AM BBT:
Joshua and Amanda are talking. Pretty much just talking about the night and how crazy it was. Amanda says Chelsia really came out of her shell, and Joshua says that her and Natalie were both wild. Joshua says he think he is going to go to bed, and Ryan comes back from the DR as Allison is then called in. Amanda says: "no one wants to talk to me!" Ryan, Amanda, Alex, Sharon and Joshua are all in the bedroom talking. Amanda just saying she doesn't trust a lot of people with sex and stuff. Alex asks her if she pleasures herself and she says "heck yes I do!"

12:45AM BBT:
Most of the house guests are getting really tired, if they haven't already laid down to go to bed. Allison and Ryan, Sharon and Josh, Matt and Natalie, and Amanda are talking in the bedroom. Everyone is doing their DR sessions and then pretty much heading to bed.

1:10AM BBT:
Everyone is up except Shelia and everyone laughing having a good time.

2:30AM BBT:
James, Matt and Adam sitting around the fire talking about breaking their own hand as a way to get votes to stay in the house. Suggestions used were a pool cue, pool ball in a sock, and the fire extinguisher. Matt summed it up best by calling James a "sick fuck."

3:15AM BBT:
Matt, James and Adam sitting around table talking about prostitutes. Matt is talking about being a stripper in Vegas and about having ecstasy and Cocaine and girls wanting to come back to their apartments for the drugs and Matt says he would get to bang girl after girl that way. James says he used to sell it and would make bank. He tells them about Raves and how they have "tribes" and the tribe leaders decide who will have the drugs to sell, who does music and who does security. They are on private property and people carry guns. He says most of the people that paid to go were like 16 year old kids.

want to know more of what's happening in the house, click here:

screencap gallery for feb. 24th

CLICK HERE to view over 600 screencaps from feb. 24th 2008. things got REALLY rowdy!

Sunday BB. The lies that destroy you.

The overwhelming feeling in the house is relief that Jen and Parker were evicted. I think Allison is hoping that something might develop between her and Ryan. Only person who really seems upset about the eviction is Amanda. She says that she lost her only friends in the house. Now she is left in the house with a bunch of people she hates and that hate her. LOL reminded me so much of Jen(BB8) when she said that.

Alex and Amanda upset that Chelsia and James won HOH both feel that they will be nominated. Alex is putting the blame souly on Amanda's head. Natalie however is thrilled with the new HOH couple she seems to think her and Matt are safe. I however am not so sure. As soon as everyone comes in from the HOH competition the cups are gone and they all decide to use bowls to drink out of.

I thought that James and Chelsia made a HUGE mistaking promising Matt and Natalie that they Would NOT put them on the block. It really could come back to bite them if they decide that they indeed need to put them up as pawns or for whatever reason.

James comes up with Operation Condor and lets Ryan and Adam in on it. Basically they wanna take out the HG that are in the top row of the memory wall. Jen and Parker, who have already been eliminated and Amanda & Alex. Personally operation Condor sounds stupid. Why cant he just say lets evict Amanda and Alex? lol James says he needs a pawn but both Ryan and Adam say they really dont want to be in that position.

Amanda's conversation with Joshuah about the big fight was to me a ploy to try and win him over for the vote that she knows she will need this week. She tells him she forgives him for his mean comments and wants to form a secret alliance with him. He doesnt seem very excited about that prospect of being aligned with her. I am really thinking her days in the house are numbered. Too many people are very annoyed with her.

I thought it was really cute when Natalie was telling Amanda that she is crazy about Matt. She may like him a lot but I am not so sure he likes her as much. He even says that he doesnt want a romance in the house. He doesnt want or need the distraction from his game. Natalie thinks he feels the same as her. Says they both like each other a lot but dont want to admit it to each other or anyone else. I am not so sure this is a match made in BB heaven. He seems way to ecotistical and self centered for her. But who knows.

Allison and Sheila are talking in the bathroom. Allison wants to tell Chelsia and Joshuah that they lied about the lesbian story. Sheila is not so sure. She says that it could come back to bite them in the butt. Especially with Joshuah. Allison is convinced that they need to tell the truth before it can be a card dealt against them by Joshuah. This all reminds me of the exact conversation Jen and Parker had last week about whether to tell the house about her relationship with Ryan before Allison could use it to her advantage. Stupid Allison didnt learn a thing. She convinces Sheila that they HAVE to tell. Chelsia seems to take it calmly, she brings James in on it and he seems stunned. Then they tell Joshuah and he is less than impressed. Later Chelsia, James and Joshuah have a private talk and they are all angry about being lied to. They all agree they cannot trust Allison or Sheila and briefly consider putting them up.

The food comp looked pretty disgusting. Backyard had boats and lots of dead fish. 2 teams made up of 3 couples. 3 of them held nets and the other 3 tossed fish into the other teams nets. The last team with a net still in the air got to have food for the week. Amanda, Alex, Adam and Sheila are all on slop for the week. Chelsia and James were on their team but being HOH they get food no matter what.

Chelsia and James are becoming extremely close. Both talked about developing feelings for the other one. He coaxes her to the bed and they make out. I really like them as a couple. I think they are cute together.

Nominations are Matt and Natalie & Alex and Amanda. As I predicted Matt is pissed that he was lied to about not being put up. But James and Chelsia think they are the best team to use as a pawn against Alex and Amanda. He even tells them as much but that doesnt make Matt feel any better about it. Will be interesting to see what the consequences are the nominations.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Big Brother Till Death Do Us Part.....Feed Recap 02/24/08

8:00AM BBT:
HGs all still asleep in bed - James has hogged all of the covers in HoH room and Chelsia has absolutely none and is curled up in fetal position. Someone is coughing.

9:20AM BBT:
Josh and Sheila were the first up this morning. BB woke the rest of the HGs up around 9:30am to I believe Rick Martin... Josh gave himself a buzz cut, and everyone is up and around doing ADLs.Josh and Amanda did have a little conversation around 10ish. He told her that it would be an unanimous vote for her and Alex to stay this week.The PoV meeting will be sometime this morning.

9:45AM BBT:
Amanda is saying that she was called into the DR late last night (conversation with Sheila) and Sheila was still talking to her and Amanda walked off... They are laughing at how Amanda will start a conversation and then walk off without waiting for a response. Everyone is telling Josh that his hair looks good. Allison: "It looks wicked good" (geeze that phrase went out years ago). Alex is shaving his chest, Allison is eating, Ryan went to bedrooms, Sheila made coffee, Amanda showering, Chelsia went to SR to get batteries, Sharon eating and Josh is checking out his new haircut.

9:50AM BBT:
Sheila is in the kitchen is talking about one of the questions that the BB casting people asked her "What singer would you be embarrassed to admit you liked?" Sheila’s answer was Madonna, she says she loves Madonna. Joshua says he loves Madonna too. Someone mentions Britney Spears. Amanda is out of shower, Alex done shaving his chest, Ryan sitting in the bathroom on the couch, Allison is still eating and so is Sharon. Chelsia is at the kitchen daisy table talking to the folks eating.

for the rest of todays recap, click here:

screencaps for feb.23rd

CLICK HERE for the days gallery. (533 photos)

CLICK HERE for caps from the margarita party. (321 photos)

Big Brother Till Death Do Us Part.....Feed Recap 02/23/08

Chelsia and James were the only entertainment in the wee hours of the morning. The events of the night exhausted the rest of the HGs. The conversation between James and Chelsea continued until about

4:15am. The most interesting tidbits were that Chelsea was in the top 20 for Big Brother in season 8 and she never shares a blanket with her sleeping partner. She is used to her twin-sized comforter and wraps up in it like a cocoon, with one leg out, while she sleeps with her foot on her box fan.

6:25 AM BBT: All HGs are sleeping.

8:30AM BBT: Allison was called to the DR and we get Trivia.

8:39AM BBT: Ryan just asked Allison, "How'd it go Ali" and she tells him that it went fine and that they gave her everything she would need if it happened again. She just crawled back into bed.

8:45AM BBT: Everyone is back in bed.

10:30AM BBT: Josh is up and around. He's standing by the fridge with his tighty whities on, he finally goes in to the bedroom and grabs some shorts. Ryan is also up and around.

10:35AM BBT: A very short lived FotH. Josh is making breakfast, I think, while Ryan is in the bathroom brushing teeth. Josh is disgusted at all the dirty dishes in the sink.

10:40AM BBT: Sharon is now awake and in the bathroom. Josh continues to make breakfast as Alex comes jogging into the kitchen. Josh asks him who thinks is strong Matt/Nat or him and Amanda, he says after seeing Amanda like that last night, he would have to say Matt/Nat. Josh says he is torn on what to do and he thinks the PoV meeting will happen any moment today. Alex says he is going to go get ready and brush his teeth, while Josh thinks that since the sun is out they might be able to actually lay out today.Josh tells Ryan he is making taco salad, saying he is in a Mexican mood today. Sharon says hello to Alex as he enters the bathroom and she finishes brushing her teeth.Sharon, Josh, and Ryan talk about how they aren't really breakfast people and Ryan says it’s a little chilly outside this morning.

10:55AM BBT: Amanda goes to the kitchen and has Ryan rip off her band aid and they talk about how much BB had to pay last night for the ambulance and stuff then they talk about insurance.

want to know more of what'a happening in the house, click here:

Saturday, February 23, 2008

screencaps for feb.22nd

CLICK HERE to view over 300 screencaps for feb. 22nd 2008.

Van's Thoughts

Ok, so Van has been absent from all the blogging lately and that needs to change, so here I am! Ready to spread my own brand of reality tv musings to the masses.

Big Brother 9

We've had two couples eliminated from Big Brother thus far, but here's an interesting thought: why didn't Sharon and Jacob go home? Why were they in sequester? Furthermore, where are Jen and Parker? No house calls, only their partners goodbye videos, and no more info from Julie Chen or anyone else?

I smell twist, otherwise why would the houseguests that are evicted first be sequestered? I'll be following this one closely.

Survivor: Micronesia

So far, this season of Survivor has impressed me, its been exciting, and I actually can't wait to see each week's episode. The relationships developped between some of the favourites so early on are very interesting, making me wonder if any of them hooked up at Survivor cast parties. As for the fans, they impress me more than I expected, especially considering Ozzy and James are on the favourites team. I'll be chiming in on next week's episode specifically so check back then for more ramblings.

video - leading up to amanda's collapse

allison sick too

apparently during the commotion with amanda fainting the HGs find out allison's face and lips got swollen. 2 medical emergencies in the matter of minutes! what are the chances of that?! crazy night and season!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Big Brother Till Death Do Us Part.....Feed Recap 02/22/08

12:20AM - 12:30AM BBT: Natalie dons a red wig and does a strip tease for Alex, Amanda ,James, Adam and Chelsia in the sauna room. Natalie rubs her ass in Adam’s face and in every one else's face and crotch. Amanda ducks out of getting Natalie in her face. Chelsia tries to remove Natalie's bra and she lets her if Chelsia feels her breast! Natalie says its Amanda turn as she runs to door of Sauna. Amanda says Adam can have her turn as Adam is "SMILING!" Natalie says she thinks Adam has been to a strip clubs. Matt said "Amanda you’re so scared it’s as if u are a VIRGIN." Amanda blushes! Alex says, "What the, you’re a virgin?" everyone is surprised. Amanda runs out of sauna room and checks her face ion mirror and gets a pickle. Alex and Adam question if she really is a virgin. She dodges the question. Amanda heads away from everyone. Natalie tries to get in DR in her stripper outfit but they don’t let her in. Matt, Alex and Adam talk outside strategy. Back in the sauna Natalie, Chelsia, James and Amanda think of new looks for Natalie to strip tease for Sho2 tomorrow and that James was a stripper once.

12:45AM BBT: Matt, Alex and Adam say they’re working together.Alex says he’s heading to bed. Amanda says she feels sick with the slop and pickle mixed in her stomach. She asks BB for Pepto Bismo. Alex asks, "Are u a virgin?" Amanda says, "Why are u so focused on this, if I am I am, if I’m not I’m not."

12:48AM BBT: James and Chelsia wrestle in sauna room and kiss. 12:50AM BBT: Adam somewhere says "Amanda's a virgin."

12:50AM BBT: Alex tells Amanda they have the votes to stay and says, "If u are a big hooch mama but a virgin then u are the biggest CT." Amanda asks, "What’s a CT?" Alex questionably says, "So are you a virgin?" Amanda says, "YES, maybe you will be" and she laughs. Alex says, "You bitch" and they both laugh.Meanwhile... James runs Chelsia in his arms upstairs.

12:52AM BBT: James showers with cold water in the HoH BR and then walks around naked.Alex and Amanda say they will do anything to win PoV, "even drink pee." They agree it would be better if Amanda and Alex win PoV saying that Matt and Natalie could survive against others.Alex: "So, are you really a virgin?"Amanda: "Goodnight!"Alex asks again.Amanda: "Maybe." Alex: "It all makes sense you are, you fucking are! I think it’s amazing, I give you much credit."They curse at each other jokingly. "Bastard" "Fat ass" "Slut" "bitch." Amanda ends it with "Cunt." Alex: "Nice,"Amanda tells Alex, "I think Shelia likes you” Alex says, "She likes girls."Amanda: "PoV baby."Alex: "Shut up go to bed baby."Alex: "So are you a virgin? How do you walk around like that? Why didn’t you ever want to have sex?" Amanda: Because, I like to commit." Alex: "I’m jealous."Alex pulls Amanda’s hair. They talk a little more. Amanda says, "Natalie really likes Matt."

for the rest of todays feed recap, click here:

Amanda faints and goes into convultions

from jokers

"She was complaining about being Hypocolsimic or Low Blood Sugar or Diabetic one, not sure how to spell the first one.

Then she met up with Nat and continued to tell her that she needed food, or sugar. And that she had been trying to get into the DR.

Then she fainted, when they rolled her over she started having confulsions, or a seizure.

Ryan yelled for someone to hit the panic button. We got alot of trivia and jumps back to the house, and when the panic button finally worked we get trivia."

as chelsia was coming in the house she said "I guarantee Amanda's just being dramatic cuz she hates being on slop...I guarantee it."

Big Brother Till Death Do Us Part.....Feed Recap 02/21/08

12:30AM BBT: In the bedroom Sharon and Allison whisper and keep checking if anyone's coming. Sharon says, "We need Matt and Natalie or Alex and Amanda gone." Allison says, "interesting, interesting." Sharon tells her, "I want to go for the kill." Someone walks bye and they wait and sit quietly. Allison tells Sharon, "I’ll talk to Shelia tomorrow." Sharon explains, "Have James put up Me and Joshua vs. Amanda and Alex, so we make sure we have at least four people on same team going for PoV to guarantee one of them leaves." Allison thinks "that’s risky though." But Sharon explains to Allison that "they wont see it coming because they think me and Joshua are on their side. So they think its 3-3 when its 4-2." Allison thinkins, "right, right, but you have to play both sides." They hear Adam coming and say goodbye to each other, Sharon heads to BY.

12:40AM BBT: Adam heads to bed and talks with Matt about buying a "Geisha place." Natalie tells him those places have "many diseases I don’t want people touching me." Shelia says, "And Adam has diseases" and Shelia and Adam start to argue a little. Matt says to Natalie, "Natalie I want to sleep, its enough of Natalie for tonight." Ryan says he’s heading to bed as Sharon cleans her teeth.Sharon says she thought James was dead and that he wasn’t breathing as it happened to her friend and he died. James: "When his eyes rolled back it totally reminded me of that."

12:50PM BBT: James is wrapped in pink towel in sauna room asleep. In bedroom Allison whispers to Sharon "is James still here?" Sharon says, "Yes, he’s passed out still though." They lay down to go to sleep.

12:55AM BBT: No movement in house.

1:00AM BBT: James tosses in his sleep.

for the full recap click here

Thursday, February 21, 2008

NOMS are done

looks like it's amanda/alex and matt/nat. how predictable.

Pussycat Dolls Presents .......... Girlicious???

this is the second reality show involving the pussycats in the last year, the first being "Pussycat Dolls Presents: The Search for the Next Doll". at least that had something to do with the PCD although to be honest i've heard nothing more of their new member. is she in the dolls still? who knows and really who cares. aside from a few catchy songs and some hot videos they really do nothing for me.

anyway it seems this second show really has nothing to do with the PCD at all. sure they'll have them on as "support" and "coach" roles but really it's just a way for their creator to sponge off their popularity in hopes of striking oil twice.

this new show is to find girls for a new group called ... get ready for this .... girlicious. seriously? could they have come up with a more vapid, narcissistic, assuming name? like girls today don't have enough vanity issues with words like juicy written on the ass of their pants and graphics and photos proclaiming them sexy and hot all over their myspace pages.

basically this show is an excuse for young girls to prance around half naked and pretend they can sing. will that stop me from watching? probably not but i probably won't go out of my way to watch it either. more likely i'll catch it almost a week later on much music like today at 4:00 in the afternoon because i'm desperate for something to watch.

screencaps for feb.20th

CLICK HERE to view over 1oo screencaps.

CLICK HERE to view the entire gallery of thousands of photos.

my top 12 girls pick

i really liked kady malloy. there were many others i liked but i think she was my favorite. i hated 60s week in general though. please for the love of all that is good and holy pick newer songs!!! i was sooooo bored and it was a very long 4 hours of TV with the 2 night combined.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Tale of the gossiping HG

Tonight's episode pretty much started off with the attack on Amanda the house gossip. They showed everyone being annoyed with her. She apparently told Natalie that she had overheard Chelsia and James saying if they won HOH then they were putting Matt and Natalie & Amanda and Alex on the block. Natalie asked Chelsia about this. Chelsia claimed they never had such a convo and then went to confront Amanda who was outside with everyone else and a big fight took place. Joshuah joined in and told Amanda that everybody hated her and she looked like a horse which was really dumb in my opinion.

Alex joined in a little bit. Seemed like it was gang up on Amanda night. Then a comment was made by Joshuah that they should get Amanda a Halo and Chelsia said or a noose. Joshuah then said ohhh yeah so she can hang her self just like her father. He didnt even seem to feel bad for what had just flew out of his mouth. Everyone else looked pretty stunned and poor Amanda I cant even begin to imagine what she must have been feeling. Some of the others tried to comfort her. I decided then and there that Joshuah is now my least favorite in the house and I really hope he gets booted soon.

Next we see Jen trying to desperately stay in the house by throwing her real life boyfriend under the bus. Oy this woman has no grasp on what a great man she has in Ryan. She tells Sheila point blank that Ryan is a racist. And then tells some of the others in the bathroom that she dated a black guy once and Ryan cant stand that. I cannot believe this woman. How could she do this to a guy she claims to love and has lived with for several months. The game is not more important that a relationship.

Sheila talks to Ryan and tells him what Jen is saying to everyone and he is rightfully mad. Jen lies to him saying that she never said he was a racist. She said she just told them he didnt like interracial dating. He buys it but how stupid is she??? Does she not realize that all he has to do is see the tape of the episode and that will prove she just lied to his face?? Ugh this woman needs to be slapped and at this point I am hoping for a Ryan/Allison hookup. He deserves so much better than what Jen is giving him.

We finally get the first live eviction of the season. The vote is 3 to 1 Jen and Parker are evicted from the house. All during their interview with Julie Parker looks annoyed. I feel really bad for him. He got a bad deal when they paired him up with dum dum Jen.

I am kinda glad that Jen and Parker were evicted. Not that I really wanna keep seeing Allison but just glad to be rid of Jen.

The HOH comp. was pretty cool. They had to answer questions and try to match the other houseguests. And whichever option most HG choose was an event they had to do in the house. Here is the rundown of what they are in for because of the comp... No hot water for 72 hours, The woman have to wear bathing suits for 24 hours, No drinking cups for a week, Margarita party, The woman will cook dinner for a week and No washing machine for 2 weeks.

The new HOH this week is Chelsia and James.I cant even try to predict who they will nominate but hope it is Sheila and Adam or Joshuah and Sharon.

amanda and alex's HOH photos

CLICK HERE to view the HOH gallery. isn't he just the most gorgeous thing ever?!

What The Buck - Feb 19th 2008

screencaps for feb.19th

CLICK HERE to view the gallery!

Big Brother Feed Recap 02-20-08

8:10AM BBT:
FotH again. They are really liking that FotH button today. As quick as I typed that, the feeds were back. Shelia is in kitchen making coffee.

8:15AM BBT: Amanda and Alex are up in the HoH performing ADL's, They'll have to move their stuff out of the HoH today.

8:25AM BBT:
BB: Shelia, please go to the diary room.
Feeds are mostly on primping HGs getting ready for the show.

for the rest of today's recap, click here:

top 12 guys - my pick

Michael Johns ..... loved his first audition, loved the queen song and loved him the best tonight. he's cute, he's hot and he's my top 12 guys pick.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Big Brother Till Death Do Us Part.....Feed Recap 02/19/08

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screencaps - feb 17th and 18th

feb 17th
feb 18th

sheillison .....

shut the F^$% up!!! that is all

Big Brother Till Death Do Us Part.....Feed Recap 02/18/08

12:20AM BBT:
Sharon, Jen, and Amanda have still been going over the fight for the last while. Alex and Matt just came up to HoH. Amanda went to the bathroom with Jen and said she doesn't want to see Alex. Alex said he just came up to get some stuff. He's going to sleep on the couch downstairs. Seems like BB said he could sleep down there. Before leaving, Matt goes into the bathroom to say that he hasn't said anything. Parker comes to the HoH now. Amanda says it’s ok for Parker to come into bathroom.

12:35AM BBT:
Sharon, Jen, Amanda, and Parker are still in the HoH bathroom rehashing everything. Every once in a while, when Amanda remembers the comment about her father, she starts crying again. Alex and Matt are outside talking about the situation. They have joined Adam, Joshua, and someone else (Allison? maybe) on couch. Joshua said he went to the DR. He said he wants to make sure she knows he's not going to come stab her and he wants to know she's not going to do anything.Sheila joins the couch crew. They are discussing Alex's sleeping area on the floor of the living room. The said he has to either sleep on the floor there or on the floor in HoH.

to read the entire recap please CLICK HERE

Monday, February 18, 2008

huge fight from last night

i have no idea what started this but it's one hell of a fight!

Big Brother Till Death Do Us Part.....Feed Recap 02/17/08

3:00AM ish…
Alex and Amanda have another altercation and he gets out of bed, gets dressed, and heads downstairs. He goes outside and Amanda follows. Parker is getting ready to go to bed and hears them.Alex tells Amanda she has a big mouth and tells everyone too much. He tells her that Natalie was only upstairs talking to him because her partner won’t. She then starts on about how everyone walks around in his or her underwear and he complains because she wears skimpy shorts. Blah, blah, she stomps off back to the HoH room.After they’re done “talking”, Alex comes inside and tells Parker that Amanda is nuts and she is going to ruin his game. Amanda has come out of the room and is on the balcony listening to what Alex and Parker are talking about. Meanwhile… Natalie is being Miss Bobble head again with Matt.After Matt is done with Natalie, he joins Parker and Alex… He brags about the action he has received from Natalie without even having to kiss her. Parker complains about the lack of action and Alex says that Amanda is a tease and he wakes up with “blue balls” in the morning because she makes him hard and then he goes soft “all night.”Alex goes up to bed and finds Amanda on the balcony. She pretends to be asleep as he wakes her. She quickly gets into bed saying, "What did I miss?" Alex just tells her to always come to him before she goes talking about anything. Both fall into that silence before sleep. Matt and Parker also realize she probably overheard and speak of some concern about the BJ conversations. They go to bed.

4:05AM BBT:
All HGs are down for the night.

8:30AM BBT:
They are all sleeping.

9:45AM BBT:
They're all still sleeping.

When the feeds are back from FotH, everyone is doing ADLs.

10:40AM BBT:
Parker and Matt are talking about Parker's nomination status. Parker doesn't know how to campaign; Matt is agreeing and doesn't know what to tell him but he needs to go and talk to James and Chelsia, as James is still on the fence with whom he is voting out.Parker goes to see James and Chelsia in the Boat Room. James and Chelsia are talking to Parker. James tells him he is still on the fence, but Chelsia wants Allison out of the house. He also asks where Chelsia and he stand with Parker and Jen if they stay and win HoH. The question remained unanswered. Parker is reiterating how he doesn’t know how to campaign (he's campaigning). They are talking about the drama of the first few days. BB is telling James and Jen to put on their microphones.

10:45AM BBT: They ran out of hot water in the shower, again. Sheila says she'll go without a shower rather than shower in cold water. Parker rates (looks) women differently according to race. Parker says, “No one gives a flying fuck about his opinion” and rated a couple of the girls a 6. Sheila's saying there should've been a black woman in the BBH and a thirty-something year old guy for her.James and Chelsia are discussing clothing in Europe, how men can wear capris over there. Chelsia wants to get married on the beach in a cute little dress and her husband to be in white pants with flip-flops.Chelsia inquires about what James wants. James wants a forest with trees and moss and she walks down the aisle with sunflowers in her hand, very simple with a few friends.Enter Parker into the Chelsia and James conversation. Parker is saying Allison has never been called a six, so her feelings were hurt. James is saying he’s been called everything from a 1 to an 8. Parker says, “They’re probably talking about your cock." James leaves. Chelsia has to change, so Parker leaves.
Matt is eating cereal and Parker is starting to sing. There’s lots of commotion and blow-drying going on. BB: “Attn HGs - There are fresh batteries in the storage room... have you changed YOUR batteries?”Parker recounts James’ and Chelsia's conversation to Matt and Matt explains, “Chelsia wants you to stay, I know that.”Amanda and Parker are talking alone in HoH bathroom and Amanda says that she heard most of the things they said last night, like, "When a woman makes up her mind, she makes up her mind." Amanda asks what else he [Alex] said and that she only told Parker, Matt, and Allison about the “finger thing.” They also discuss that James and Chelsia have to go. Parker: “James and Chelsia DEFINITELY gotta go.”Amanda: “I know they do!”Parker is recounting the James and Chelsia conversation to Amanda and then he tells Amanda that he's definitely putting them up next week. He wishes Chelsia could stay, but James has to go.

11:30AM ish:
Parker is indeed working Sharon. Sharon is saying she's grateful for being back in the house, she never would have gotten the experience. Parker tells her that everyone thinks she is so quiet. Sharon: “I'm just sitting back and watching... when shit goes down, my name better not be on that shit.” Parker: “I just need to be more calm.”Sharon: “Yeah... you need to take the Sharon approach sometimes. I'm smarter than I look.”Amanda comes in and Sharon, like an idiot, asks her what happened last night. SO we hear it all over again. Amanda rehashes that Alex called her a “fucking idiot, fucking dumb,” and that Alex has called Amanda a “slut” sometimes. Sharon comments that it should be a “fun day” and asks Amanda if Alex is mad. Amanda tells Sharon that he is and is stroking Parkers face. Sharon wonders why it's any of his business anyways. Nobody is a real couple but Jen and Ryan, so it shouldn't matter. Sharon reiterates how she's sitting back and watching and won't get her name stamped on all this drama shit. Sharon tells them that Josh said he's not making any decisions till it's set in stone and they will likely vote for Ryan and Allison to leave.She goes on to tell Parker not to be completely confident because you never know, and She is a walking example of not knowing what might happen. Sharon leaves and Amanda and Parker talk about how Parker feels better now.Sharon runs to Josh to fill him in… She tells him that the shit is going to hit the fan and she is scared. She starts whispering and it’s very hard to hear her! She explains that Chelsia is covering everyone’s ass and making it seem like they [Chelsia and James] don’t know how they're voting yet. Josh says, “All shit is going to break loose. It's going to be fucking psycho.” Josh fills Ryan in and is saying Parker is running around trying to save his own ass. Sharon: “Amanda said yeah... ‘We’re the final 4, right?’”

12:10PM BBT:
Parker and Jen are alone talking. Parker: “We definitely have Sharon.”Jen: “Are we SURE?”Parker: “Yeah. Oh yeah. I confirmed it in front of Amanda.”Jen: “Great... so 2-2, Amanda breaks the tie and keeps us.”Parker: “I really want James out of here. He HAS to go.”Jen: “Oh yeah, I totally agree. We need to work Sheila and Adam if they stay the same. Then it targets Amanda and Alex.” Jen: “God that sucks they're going to leave at the same.” FotH

12:30PM BBT:
Matt and Parker are outside on the couch alone together. Parker tells him that Jen and he have the votes to stay. Matt tells him that he wants Shelia and Adam out next, while Parker tells him that James and Chelsia have to go. Matt says that they’ll just have to put both couples up. Parker says that James is voting for personal reasons and he has to go. Matt says, “Yeah, bye bye!” Parker tells Matt that James would put up Parker/Jen and Amanda/Alex. Amanda joins them. They bitch about how long it’s taking BB to get the PoV meeting going and discuss how long they’ve been in the house.

12:45PM BBT:
Sharon, Josh, and Chelsia have a little conversation. Josh tells them, “Parker’s trying to get Matt to use the veto. That's why I'm trying to get in there and break that up.”Josh to Sharon: “Natalie and Shelia are in the kitchen alone. Go get in there.”Sharon: “Alright. I wanna try to bring her out here.” Josh: “Yeah get her out of the house.” So off Sharon goes to break Shelia and Natalie up.Sharon tells Chelsia that Parker told her that Parker would put Chelsia and James up if they win HoH.Chelsia: “Oh hell no, she's going home.”Natalie: “We'd never use it. Don't worry.”Josh: “By the way Natalie, Amanda called you a huge slut last night.”Natalie: “WHAT!!” Natalie then trashes Amanda and how much of a huge slut Amanda is and that America will hate Amanda. Josh tells her, “I think they already do.” The four of them trash talk Amanda and how she's obsessed with her looks. FotH

2:20PM BBT:
All screens are on the HGs sitting on the semi-circle couch in the living room. Most of them are just chatting about Gerbils. Natalie was just called to DR.BB just announced they are on lockdown and must go outside and close sliding glass door.Everyone is outside yawning and chit-chatting, waiting for the PoV meeting to start.Sheila, Sharon, Allison, Josh, and Chelsea are sitting in the boat. Idle chit chat. Amanda, Adam, and Alex are on the couch chatting. The camera showed Parker on another couch sleeping a few minutes ago. Alex just finished doing push-ups. Very exciting stuff...

2:30PM BBT:

3:15PM BBT:
Feeds are back, Matt did not use the PoV.
Jen and Parker are lying in bed eating. She just asked him, "Did you know he wasn't going to use it?" Parker said yes. Jen said she figured that, too (Referring to Matt not using Veto). Jen explains that half the people who win it don't use it. Jen and Parker are feeling pretty safe. Jen commented that they don't want to piss Amanda off right now or they could be kicked out. They decide evictions are on Wednesday. Ryan went in with chips and put some on Jen's plate, then came out, looked at Josh, who looked like he was getting ready to do laundry, and Josh gave Ryan a thumbs up and a wink. The rest of the HGs are eating in the kitchen. Jen and Parker are in the BR. BB: Parker... HOUSEGUESTS, you are not allowed to talk about your DR sessions with other HGs.

3:30PM BBT:
Natalie and Parker are alone talking. Natalie says, “Let’s just hope it comes out 2-2." Amanda comes in and asks to talk to parker alone and says to him, “Sorry I’m making you mad.” He tells her he isn’t mad, just frustrated. Amanda is saying 'you don't like me' and she says it every 5 minutes so it's bugging Parker. She apologizes again.Meanwhile… Josh, Sharon, and Ryan are talking at the HT. It sounds like Ryan is talking about having a fair shot at staying in house on eviction night. They’re discussing how the house is evenly split, but the other "side" is falling apart. They mention that Alex will be happy Parker is gone so Amanda can't flirt with him any more and Natalie is almost ready to split from that group because Amanda called her a Slut last night. They continue talking about Parker. They think he is really arrogant and acts really tough, but he is all talk. Ryan says he knows Parker doesn't like him. Natalie joins them at the HT. They say, "Hi Slut" jokingly. Then they reassure her that they know she's not a slut. They start talking about Amanda being a huge manipulator and that there is too much drama in the house. They are going on and on about Amanda.Amanda joins them near the HT and asks if they are going to have three days in a row of no drama. The three in the HT say they’re not the ones causing the drama and all agree everything's set in stone so no need for drama. Amanda left. Alex joins them a little later.

4:15PM BBT:
Josh, Sharon, Natalie, and Alex are still hanging out at the HT. Just general chitchat. Nothing exciting.

4:45PM BBT:
Sheila and Sharon are in the bathroom trash talking other houseguests. Sheila is saying the other girls are not photogenic but think they're so hot. Sheila says, "Excuse me, have you been on 5 magazine covers?" Sheila says even when she was a penthouse pet she did not dress the way these girls do during the day. She also says that it was stupid of Jen and Ryan to tell everyone they were a couple so soon and Jen is such a backstabber. Shelia heads to the bedroom to get some clothes.Parker and Natalie are in the sauna. Parker seems pretty down about being on the block. Natalie says it really screwed up all their games when they were coupled up. Natalie says she really wanted to use Veto on him. She says she's hoping it will come down to a 2 to 2 vote and then Amanda and Alex can decide. Parker says they need to get James and Chelsea out next because they are the biggest threat.Sheila and Allison are in the bathroom. Sheila is commenting on how stupid Parker is to have basically put down all the girls by saying they were only 6's and saying Amanda is the only good-looking one. Sheila thinks Parker should have been sucking up more. She says Matt stayed quiet while Parker was making comments. Sheila thinks this is brilliant.

5:40PM BBT:
James, Adam, and Natalie are outside on the couch. Natalie is complaining about Amanda being two-faced, calling her a slut but always wants to hang out with her.Allison and parker are in the BR - Allison is packing. She says she is just taking it easy because she knows what is happening over the next 3 days (meaning she knows she's leaving). Parker is saying he's not just upset about the veto, things are just getting to him in the BB house. Allison is called to the DR.Parker and Matt are in the BR and Parker says he has nothing good to say about BB people. He says he has flipped them off about 40 times today. He's pacing back and forth and the camera is following him. He says he hopes the camera person gets carpel tunnel. He is being really negative.

6:00PM BBT:
James is dyeing his hair. Adam is now watching the girls... and James. They point out James has one back hair on his back and Chelsia pulls it out. The color for his hair is magenta (I think) and they've put a little in Chelsia's hair to match.Amanda is walking around in her towel as she just woke up form a nap.Jen, Sheila, Allison, and Chelsia are in the BR. Sheila is complaining (go figure) about having not packed enough clothes. She thought that they would only be on TV once a week. Jen explained how they were on the Internet all the time and on CBS 3 times a week (clearly she was not a fan). Chelsia is still waiting with a piece of her hair died pink in foil.

6:35PM BBT:
Sheila is telling Jen that Parker was really going off last night and that the BB producers called him out and told him to cut it out. Sheila says that Allison knows that Sheila and Adam are voting for them to leave and it breaks her heart but she understands. Sheila tells her (again) that she's 45 years old and has no one to talk to in the house about her kid (yada, yada). Sheila is telling Jen to talk to Parker about his attitude, “Because BB gave Parker and Jen an opportunity of a lifetime." Ryan just joined them in the bathroom and he's not worried about leaving either way. He's not saying that he's going home.Sheila, Ryan, and Jen are talking about how Ryan and Jen should have waited until the end to tell everyone about their relationship. Sheila said that Jen was a good actress and how she and Parker really seemed like they were hooking up. Ryan agreed and said that they went overboard, like when Parker was rubbing Jen's foot (sounded a little jealous).

6:50PM BBT:
James has joined Sheila, Jen, and Ryan in the bathroom. They are speculating about the sequester house--how many couples, who would be going home, how many would be part of the jury, would they vote individually or as a couple, etc. Jen wonders how America is involved in BB9, i.e., "Who would you like to see receive a phone call from home", etc. James thinks America will have input on "what couple would you like to see go out on a date?"
Sharon and Josh are in the red room talking. Sharon says that Parker "is such a cocky asshole." She said that he was telling everyone “Fuck You” and that he said that he flipped everyone off about 40 times and said that "I hate the producers, I hate everyone who is in charge of this.” Sharon said, "If he's that hateful, then he should go home. Josh tells her, "He is going home." Sharon answers, “Parker is so unappreciative.” FotH
James has joined Sharon and Josh. They are talking about how Wednesday will be live eviction and Jen will be leaving. James says that Jen went up to Ryan and told him that she was sorry that he was going home. Josh said that Adam and Sheila are totally in keeping Allison and Ryan. They are laughing about how Jen and Parker will be shocked when they get evicted.All 4 feeds on Ryan in bathroom and Jen and Amanda on the couch talking about hair dye, Ryan's temper and general chit chat

7:35PM ish:
Ryan had to drop out of his classes for semester; he was worried that he wouldn't get on show and would waste the semester. Jen and Ryan have tax stuff to take care of (whichever one of them goes home). Now talking about taxes in general, Ryan doesn't know much about it.

7:45PM BBT:
Jen is cutting Ryan's hair with Amanda and Parker watching.

8:15PM BBT:
Matt and Allison are out in the backyard by the pool table, Matt is telling Allison that he really likes her and think that she is hot and he wants the two of them to work together and he doesn't like Natalie the way she likes him. He adds he cannot trust Jen, he likes Parker but not Jen and that Parker is going to be surprised when the votes come in.Allison says he is listening and “I hear you.” Matt goes on to say that Natalie is always checking up on him and he doesn’t want Allison to run out of the room when she comes in. Allison says that she’s not bragging but she is good at problem solving and she isn't trying to sell herself to him. Matt says, “You don't have to sell yourself to me, I’m already sold.”Alex comes out and says he smells something burning and Allison can smell it too. He goes to check the fire by the couch and Allison goes inside. Matt then calls Alex over and tells Allison as she leaves, “I’ll catch you in bed tonight.”Adam comes out and says that he cannot agree with his partner. Matt asks what does Adam think of Allison and Adam says she’s a “sister.” Matt says, “I agree” and starts to tell Adam and Alex that Allison is just trying to play him and he is going to just play her right back

8:40PM BBT:
Matt is in the bathroom telling Jen and parker how he “totally lied” to Allison in the backyard and Allison “totally believed him.” Matt goes on to say, “This is going to be great TV.” Matt, Parker and Jen are laughing about it. Jen asks, “What are you going to say in your goodbye message?” They laugh.Parker is saying he is going to tell Allison, “Matt keeps talking about you.” Matt says, “Will you really do it?” Parker says, “Yes.” Matt looks at the camera and says, “Just like I do at home fellas, but not my ex girlfriend, I never cheated on you.” Matt whistles at Allison as she walks by then smiles and laughs and says, “Too easy!” Matty’s world… Matt thinks Sheila would be a challenge and says, “I wouldn't have sex with her but make her think I like her.” He wouldn’t mind someone going down on him, then looks at the camera and says, “Sorry mom.” He tells them he is going to prey on who ever is next to go home. Parker tells him, “Get ready for Chelsia.” Matt asks, “Really?”Parker and Jen inform him that they’re going to win the next HoH and they are getting James and Chelsia out.

10:25 pm BBT:
All hell broke loose everyone is screaming at Amanda. Calling her out on everything gossip,” fingering stuff” and everything else... I can't tell who is who by voices but there's a lot of screaming.
Natalie and Amanda were in the sauna while Chelsia, Shelia, and some others were on the bed & massage table doing nails, etc. I had Quad cam up and couldn't hear exactly but Alex came by to say hi, Amanda said come in here. Alex did so and they whispered about nominations for next week. About 30 min later Natalie and Amanda were in the hot tub and Natalie came in to see girls in Sauna room still doing nails. All I heard was Amanda claimed to have heard someone say they would put her and Alex and, Matt and Natalie up next week. Twenty minutes later I was watching ShoToo and Chelsia is confronting Amanda in the hot tub. She denies it. So, Chelsia goes back in and got Natalie to come out and confirm in front of everyone. That’s when all hell broke loose. Joshua also starts to verbally attack Amanda. Then, Joshua jumped up and called her out on several statements she had made about everyone. Such as; James/Chelsia nominating Matt/Natalie, calling Natalie a slut the night before, pitting Alex and Parker against each other and finally he tells Alex that Amanda is accusing him of trying to “finger” her and “rape her”. Joshua said everyone hates you, called her all sorts of names including; cunt, horse face, giddy up, etc. Everyone was there watching, it was odd. Alex just sat there stunned then pointed out it was all about teams, we are a team. Later Chelsia said something in reference to her Dad. Joshua contributed more smack talk. Amanda started bawling and ran inside.I realized I still have this on my RealPlayer and found the incident to quote exactly.Joshua: She didn't do anything she's a fucking saint give her a fucking halo.Chelsia: Or a noose.Joshua: Just like her dad.(Amanda begins to freak out here!!!)Chelsia: Noose to you, not your father.

11:30 pm BBT:
In the sauna room Sheila was asked what famous people she has dated. Sheila says "a lot of sports personalities and musicians" someone asked "like who?" and Sheila says "KISS....Paul Stanley" and we get FOTH. Alex calls a pow-wow with everyone -- except Amanda who is still in the DR since the blow up. They all start to compare notes on what Amanda has been saying regarding last night and the 'fingering' and also the fact that she sent Natalie upstairs to keep Alex occupied so she could have some alone time with Parker.

11:40 pm BBT:
All houseguests have been re-hashing earlier fight. Not a lot of sympathy for Amanda. House guests seem to feel that she made her own bed. Amanda has been in the DR for approx. last hour, since the fight.Alex called all house guests into kitchen (except Amanda who's still in DR). He starts telling everyone the story from last night. How Amanda sent Natalie up to his room, then she came up and burst into room and acted as if she had interrupted them doing something. Tells other stories of her seemingly jealous but then she's talking behind his back, saying he's a rapist. Alex is trying to clear his name. Alex then comments that if people like each other they should be open about it, referring to Amanda and parker. Chelsia asks Parker if he does have feelings for Amanda. Parker confirms that he does like her but he is purposely trying to stay away from starting anything with her. Parker says there is a lot of stuff he has heard for the first time tonight that he was not aware of before.Alex makes a comment that obviously most people in the house hate Amanda but quite a few people speak up and say they don't hate her.

12:00 midnight BBT:
Amanda came out of DR (Joshua says, “she’s out, she’s out now.”) and she walked into the kitchen. Alex says to Amanda nicely that when she's ready they will have to sit down and talk since they are in a partnership. Amanda doesn't respond. Starts to head up to HOH and says goodnight everyone, goodnight Joshua. He responds, “Fuck you”. The rest of the kitchen crowd grumbles and says that’s NOT necessary.Amanda is now in the HOH crying. Jen & Sharon are up there with her. Amanda is now trying to defend herself. Says she didn't call Natalie a slut. Jen & Sharon telling her it will blow over. Amanda really upset that Joshua made comment about her father's suicide.

12:10 am BBT:
Jen tells Amanda that Alex doesn't want to be alone with her at all now because of the accusations. Amanda says she never said Alex tried to rape her. She believes Joshua just made that up. She said obviously there are cameras everywhere and Alex would be gone if that was the case. Amanda said she will be sleeping on the floor from now on.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Sunday BB Nominations

After watching tonights episode I wondered if BB looked for the most over confident and stupidest HG. The memory wall mades its appearance after the HOH competition. Everyone was looking at their pics. Amanda said hers had to be the worst picture of her ever and I cringed waiting for a jen-like temper tantrum about the picture. But other than saying it was the worst she seemed to take it very well. Then we have Matt who says his is the best looking picture up on the wall. I seriously have to disagree with him. Chelsia, Amanda, Alex and Ryan all had way better pictures. Jen with her smart mouth pipes up and says notice how my picture is first! Thats cause I am gonna win. In that one moment she managed to annoy most of her other HG including her partner Parker. I have to say my opinion is quickly changing when it comes to Jen. I liked her at first but that is slowly changing.

Allison is becoming more and more annoyed with the situation that she is in now with Jen and Ryan revealing themselves to her. The way I look at it here is it could have been a good thing for all 4 of them. You have Jen and Ryan who are in a relationship outside the house. They will remain loyal to each other and want to take each other all the way to the end. Now that they are paired with different people those other people will benefit from their relationship. If they could all just come together and say okay let's do this. Let's work together to get to the final 4 then at that point all bets are off and its each person for themselves. However there are two problems with this scenario. 1st Jen and 2nd Allison. Jen's attitude annoys even those people who like her. Allison has no love for Jen and well you can see where that is heading. Then you have Allison who I believe is really jealous of Jen and her relationship with Ryan. She thinks Ryan should be with someone like her. She seemed to have be at her breaking point and told Jen, Parker and Ryan that she was not playing their game anymore. That made me think she was going to go and spill the beans to everyone in the house. Stupid stupid stupid. She has to realize that this would not benefit her in anyway. It would only put a target on her partner and her by association. Jen and Parker decide that Allison is a ticking time bomb and they need to reveal the secret themselves in order to keep one step ahead of Allison.. Again I say dumb dumb dumb.

I really love Amanda. Tonight she shared the story of her father's suicide and how that has affected her life. Alex also lost his father recently in the 9-11 attacks. And in their HOH room Amanda got her fathers favorite cd (Al Green) and Alex got a metal cross made from the World Trade Center. It was very touching.

Parker tells Matt and Alex about Jen and Ryan in the HOH room. They are not impressed and are annoyed that he kept it a secret for 2 days after all that happened that first day when Parker made such a big deal about putting everything out on the table and demanding to know who had called him a snake. I always have to laugh when this happens and it does every year. Someone gets into a snit because someone dared betray them. OH MY GOD the horror someone kept a secret on the BB house. That NEVER happens. pfffttt come on people. Poor Parker was trying to stay loyal to his partner in the game. It wasnt his secret but he will be the one to pay for it in the end. Parker and Jen bring in Natalie and Amanda and let them in on the secret. Amanda is upset saying that she had trusted Jen from day one and now she learns that Jen kept this big secret from her.

Allison is angry that people were told about Jen and Ryan. She goes to them and insists that she was never going to tell anyone. Jen is just as adamant that they all believed she was going to tell. Allison cries to Joshuah and Neil saying that she was threatened to keep the secret and plays up how upset she is. Someone slap her cause she is just so annoying.

Matt and Alex have grown quite close in the house and form an alliance with each other along with their parnters Natalie and Amanda. I think this will be a cute alliance and hopefully they will be able to stay loyal and not start fighting too much. Amanda and Alex think it will be best to put up Jen & Parker and Allison & Ryan. They are some of the stronger competitors and best to take them out now.

Allison and Sheila decide to pretend to be lesbian lovers and tell Joshuah who seems doubtful at first but then seems to start believing their story. He runs off to tell Neil. They also tell Chelsia and she totally buys it talking about how cute they are in love.

Sheila keeps badmouthing Adam. Tonight they showed her going on and on about how she hates him to Parker. Alex overhears and confronts her.She claims she isnt going around badmouthing him but umm she just was lol. Adam asks her several times what he ever did to make her treat him like this and she really has no answer instead yelling and cussing at him before running off and throwing herself on a bed sobbing. Okay Adam still gives me that ewwww factor but you know this woman is taking it way too far. Enough is enough already. Not only is she making everyone around her miserable she is annoying everyone including me.

The last thing we see tonight is the Nomination ceremony. It's really no surprise who they nominated. I thought for a split second that Adam and Sheila would be put on the block but they stuck with their original plan of putting up Jen & Parker and Allison & Ryan. I am not sure who will go. Jen and Parker might be the better choice to keep around. Parker has/had more friends in the house. Jen really has no one right now. She has pretty much annoyed everyone. They could easily get rid of them later without worrying about backlash because Jen wont be able to keep her mouth shut and will continue to allienate herself. Allison and Ryan on the other hand might also be good to keep around. Allison doesn't seem to have many friends in the house besides Sheila and really she isn't much of a threat. With Jen gone Ryan might be a great person to form an alliance with. He seems more likely to stay loyal to whoever he gives his word to. Not to mention he is my fav guy in the house and nice eye candy for me hehe.

Will be interesting to see what happens Tuesday.

screencaps for feb.16th, 2008

bubbles in the hot tub (clothing optional!) (239)
natalie teaching stripping (69)
today's gallery (418)

Big Brother Till Death Do Us Part.....Feed Recap 02/16/08

7:30PM BBT:
Sharon and Josh have a whisper session about the reaction from the next Eviction. They think it will be fun seeing the look on Parker and Jen” face as they walk out the door. They think it’ll be intense but after the PoV ceremony they should hint at a Parker and Jen eviction so Amanda won’t over react and Sharon says that Amanda is crazy so everyone one is afraid to be a target. Josh hopes that Chelsia and James win the HoH next week so that he doesn’t have to get his hands dirty. In walks James, he asked what they were talking about and Sharon is honest and says, “You!” Later, Sharon brings up the possibility that the vote could be a tie but Josh disagrees. Chelsia and Natalie enter the room and conversations stops.Natalie explains to them that she approached Allison. Earlier she went and tried to smooth things over with her and told her that she likes her as a person. But Natalie thinks everything is better now.

7:45PM BBT:
Every group is discussing Amanda and Alex. Chelsia is talking about Amanda being nice to her last night and the conversation she had about Alex “touching her.” They compare notes and realize she has also told Sharon.So where are Alex and Amanda? Look at that - they're out in the hammock together! She is apologizing to Alex for throwing the competition yesterday. She just felt that they would be bigger targets if they had won. They wonder how long there will be couples and if it will last till final four. Amanda brings up the Parker and Alex being so green about her spending time with him. Alex again brings up her skimpy clothes and that it drives him crazy that she dresses like that. Alex: “I just don't understand why, if you're such a goodie-goodie girl, why you walk around in the clothes you do?” She tells Alex Parker is making her mad with his attitude but because Allison hates her she needs to keep Parker and Jen in the house and they have the votes to get Allison and Ryan out. Alex: “So you still want to go home?” Amanda basically says, “No.” Amanda: “When Allison leaves this house will be so much better.”

8:05PM BBT:
Alex remembers his coffee and they go inside.

8:51 pm BBT:
Allison in living room with Adam. Allison: I can’t stand Jen! Sheila just joined them. They are bashing Jen and "can't believe Ryan puts up with it." Sheila is now complementing Adam. Sheila: "It is disgusting!" Adam: "She (Jen) will cheat on him (Ryan) soon!" Talking about drunken booty calls and phone calls at 3 am only for one thing. Adam: Whether I answer it or not, it is still good to get them. Sheila: Drunk calls not a good thing!

8:56 pm BBT:
Adam now lying on couch in living room. Sheila and Allison have now left.

8:57 BBT:
Matt has now joined Adam on the couch. Matt: My mom watches Showtime every night before she goes to bed. Adam: Really? Matt: Guarantee it! In red room, Parker is center of attention and asks Natalie "Can you please yourself with this? (Lava lamp)" Natalie: No. some of us have not had it for a while. (Yeah right) Natalie is going to the hot tub now! She announces to house that they are on Showtime! Natalie: Can we cuss on Showtime? Hell ya... from the group! Jen goes to get an orange. The boys turn it into raunchy things with an orange!

9:05 pm BBT:
Matt: This sucks. This is fucking jail right now. Conversation turns to jail and prison bitches. James is called to the DR. Parker, Chelsia, Alex and Matt are trying to come up with something to do. Chelsia (jokingly) says Matt and Alex are real brothers. They all laugh. Conversation turns to jacking off and not having the desire to do it. Parker asks Chelsia and Jen if they masturbate. Chelsia and Jen both say no. 9:11 pm BBT: Matt just informed everyone that he shaved his balls in the shower today. Parker said that he trims his up too because "no one likes a bush any more."

9:15 pm BBT:
Sheila is now griping to girls in kitchen about James making fat comments about Chelsia. Allison doing dishes and Sheila is telling her that "people need to stop judging other people." Natalie and Ryan are at hot tub talking game play. Ryan is trying to talk to Natalie about using the POV. Natalie is doing all the talking and Ryan keeps saying "Yeah" and "I don’t know."

9:25 pm BBT:
Houseguests get beer!

9:33 pm BBT:
Allison and Sheila on the chair in the bathroom and talking about Natalie. Sheila and Allison agree that Natalie is a dumbass. Allison thinks Amanda is stupid. Shelia thinks all the girls are stupid, except Sharon. Shelia says if Allison leaves she is screwed because she doesn't have anyone else in here. Allison says are they going to keep things the same. Sheila says that she doesn't trust anyone in this house, she doesn't know. Allison thinks Mat would tell her if they were going to change things. Shelia says she has to play with these people, not trust them. Allison thinks that she has Matt and Natalie’s votes. Shelia says she doesn't think she will have the votes and if Allison does get voted out she will get in peoples faces and stand her ground. Allison says if she didn't have Sheila she would have gone home already. Shelia agrees. She said that is why we had to make up that stupid lie that we are lesbians so, let’s just play it out and see what happens. Shelia says she feels like she is in high school again that the way she gets treated is just like the girls in high school treated her. She says Amanda and Jen treat her that way. Allison says the cruelest these morons can be right now is to put you (Shelia) up against me and rip us apart. Shelia says that they are not going to break us up. She then tells Allison she is the strongest woman in the house and that she told herself that she would befriend the strongest woman in the house and it was Allison. Allison says she has to trust Matt until he shows her different, and maybe Joshua. Shelia says that Joshua is above the rest of them and Neil was the best thing ever. Allison says that Amanda has no clue how to treat people. Sheila says with all the tragedies that Amanda has gone through she would be humble and she’s not. Amanda told her today that all little girls need their daddy. Sheila said her father was in prison for robbing a bank and she never saw her father... she then tells Allison that it was her father and two other guys and he got caught and went to prison until she was in her teens. The town he robbed the bank in was the town they grew up in and the town her own mother grew up in and that is why she is writing a book about it. She says that her father fled after the robbery and it was a year later that he got caught. They found some fingerprints. After that her mother put Sheila and her brother in an orphanage. Allison asks why and Shelia says because she was scared and didn't know what to do. They get interrupted by the others in the kitchen... Sheila just told Allison that she doesn't think the guy who robbed the bank is her father.

9:50 pm BBT:
Sheila continues her story. Her brother and her were separated in a roman catholic orphanage and that a year later her mother had another daughter and put that child in the orphanage and that is why she is so close to her sister. She said she never has forgiven her mother for it because her grandparents were there. Why didn't she give the kids to her parents or her brother or sisters? She also says that if she has to eat slop it will screw with her in the head, because that is the kind of stuff she had to eat in the orphanage. Allison is now confession how she stole to eat and that she doesn't understand how parents can give up on their own children. Sheila says she has never got over being in the orphanage and that is why she has problems with men, she blames her mother and father. Allison is in such shock, she cannot believe it. Sheila said that is why she thinks these kids are so selfish, they have no idea what people have gone through. That is why she is so protective of children, she saw children go through some horrible things. Her mother never would sign the papers for them to be adopted. Sheila says she truly loves her mother, and would never abandon her. She said she may not be the ideal parent but, the one thing she did do is bring me into this world and I thank her for having my sister, I love my sister. She says she tells her sister everything and she has never judged her. Her sister came to the penthouse mansion and her sister knew that even though Sheila had all this fame and money that Sheila wasn't happy. That Sheila was needing love. That men wouldn't look at Sheila, they looked at the person who posed nude.

10:00 pm BBT:
Sheila is now telling Allison about how she got discovered and how she met LG, the love of her life. She was at the point where a famous photographer told her she wouldn't make it and sent her photos to Heffner and penthouse. She says that getting the penthouse thing and leaving is what split them up. He got married and had kids, and lived a good life and then died of Lou Gehrigs. But that was the one guy that she truly loved, she says the book she is writing is about going from the orphanage girl to Las Vegas to New York and how she came out of it. She said she went to Chicago when she 18 and that she told the guy you have to do something to help. She said a week later that penthouse called her and asked her to go to New York to pose for Bob Guchioni. She said they picked her up in a limo and took her to the mansion. She said she looked like Lindsay Lohan with short hair and naive and she was like ok, let’s do this. She is going on to describe the mansion and stuff and she was in culture shock. Sheila says she lived there for weeks and still had not been photographed. She would walk around New York and met a lot of people. She met some guy who asked her to go to England, she said this guy sent an airplane ticket to the mansion, he took her to the opera, shopping... FOTH.

10:12 pm BBT:
Parker just dry humped Amanda and she fell down laughing about it.

10:22 pm BBT:
Natalie is using Joshua as a pole, wrapping her legs around him and sliding up and down. She then pulled her shirt up and said I don't have a pole but I would do this… she proceeds to put one of the stair poles between her boobs. You can hear Jen in the background laughing. Parker is watching and shaking his head. Alex has brought a pole out from the weight room and Natalie is doing a pole dance while Alex holds it up. Alex is getting a free shot as Natalie goes down the pole upside down with her legs spread. Now she is saying what songs she used to dance to. (Basically any song that started slow then got faster.) Natalie says that stripping is a great workout. She said she only had the fake boobs the last 3 months she was in Vegas. Everyone clapped for her, they just said that was probably the best Showtime show ever.

10:32 pm BBT:
Matt is says that he has slept with around 200 people. Natalie said that’s disgusting. Someone else said, I can count on one hand how many people I have slept with. Matt said so can I but, then I have to multiply it with a big number.

10:42 pm BBT:
They are talking about comedians that they like. Alex likes Lisa Lampanelli and someone else likes Lewis Black. Talking about movies now; Wedding Crashers, Heartbreak Kid, Superbad. Now they discuss how during sequester they could request movies and games. Matt he kept them and never gave them back. Alex and Natalie are so mad at Matt for not giving the movies back. (Matt is an ass.) Jen says that she has seen every episode of every season of big brother.

10:50 pm BBT:
Natalie talking about smoking weed and having a buzz after just one puff whereas you have to have a lot of beer before you get a buzz. Natalie talks about getting away with a lot of things because the country is so big and someone isn't going to go up on a hill and question you about what you are doing. Natalie tells everyone that the best home grown weed is from Oregon. You can ski in the winter. You have the desert. Drive car on beach. She should be a tour guide for Oregon. They have no natural disasters. No earthquakes. No nothing. She loves Oregon.

10:45 pm BBT:
Chelsia, Allison and Sheila are talking in the bathroom talking about how bad James smells. Then Sheila says the BB has to do something to shake the damn house up. They say BB puts the same types of people in the house every year and Sheila is the amber of the season because she cries so much. Allison said she just doesn't want to talk about what the others talk about, its just not important shit. Chelsia says she doesn’t want to talk about her personal life on national TV. Adam and James are playing pool. Adam says that he can’t wait to see Parker’s face when Julie tells him 3 to 1, you’re voted out. James asks, “They think they are staying, right?” Adam says yes. James says, “Good!” It needs to stay that way. They are saying that it would be dumb to keep Parker.

11:00 pm BBT:
Natalie says, camping is the shit. You need to think outside the box. Most of these people have never camped. That’s fuckin' sad. Now talking about school mascots. Natalie was a Trojan. Parker talks about when it rains that it fucks up his day. (Being paparazzi and all) Natalie says that her mother has sacrificed her life for her. Parker says that everyone should move out to LA. Its a great city. Parker tells Joshua that he should move to LA. Natalie wants to go in the hot tub. Parker says that he would be having sex if they weren't on TV. Parker never wants to have sex on TV. They would never show it on the show. But, people would see it on the live feeds. Parker doesn't want to go into the hot tub. Jen doesn't want to smell like chemicals. Parker is telling Amanda something about having sex or a blowjob, kissing, something. Natalie then says that whatever happens under the cover stays under the covers (like that Vegas saying) Parker just raised his eye brows to Amanda. (What is he thinking about? What does he want to do with Amanda?) Natalie, Amanda, and Jen are getting their bathing suits on. Parker says again that he is not having sex on national television. Jen is smiling about talking about sex. Parker is smiling too because he caught Jen and Ryan having sex in the bathroom. Amanda is dying to know where. Natalie had no idea either. Natalie is wearing another thong bathing suit. Nice ass Natalie. Matt is lying on the bed with his shades on.

11:24 pm BBT:
Matt talking about having sex with Natalie the other night. She doesn't want to talk about it or anything.

11:25 pm BBT:
Joshua talking about how easy it would be to give hand jobs under the bubbles of the hot tub. Natalie suggests that everyone get butt naked and make it a really crazy party. Joshua has the side afro. Natalie has one too. Alex and Parker are outside watching. Matt is coming in. Amanda is telling Alex and Parker to come in. Natalie tells Chelsia to get in but she says no. Chelsia is showing off her ass to everyone. Chelsia wants to get in but she has no underwear. Chelsia just took off her pants and hopped in. Natalie has no bottom on. They are all getting naked in the hot tub. It makes for good TV. Chelsia and Jen got Natalie’s off of her. Natalie is completely naked in the hot tub. Amanda got out. Chelsia was just rubbing Natalie’s boobs. Bubbles are disappearing and it’s not fair to Natalie (bull, we want to see her naked) Natalie trying to cover herself up. Chelsia tells Natalie I can see your nipples. Alex and Parker are missing out. Where’s Adam? Matt never got in. Joshua asks to touch Natalie’s breasts. James blew off her bubbles from her boobs. Natalie wants matt to come in. James was a gay stripper. Natalie attempts to cover herself up.

11:44 pm BBT:
Natalie’s boobs don't look big at all. That’s weird because with clothes on, she looks big. Chelsia just got out. Natalie almost single handedly put her top back on. But Chelsia helped her. Natalie now has her bathing suit back on.

11:51pm BBT:
Natalie says that Showtime is happy with us because they got to see some crazy ass people get crazy in the hot tub. Natalie got naked. And so did Chelsia. James is thinking about getting naked. James just got butt naked. I should have recorded that. Joshua got so happy to see something exciting.

11:55 pm BBT:
James outside of hot tub and at first tries to get Amanda to take her top off but, she refuses. James strips off of his boxers and shakes back & forth with his penis shaking back & forth (ewww) but everyone gives him a rounding applause.

Chelsia & James talking in the bed about family. They try to patch up a fight they had today. In BR Amanda, Parker, Jen, Ryan hang out. Amanda is wearing only a towel. Joshua heads to bed.

2:00 am BBT:
In sauna room Amanda fools kissing Parker. In another bedroom Sharon & Allison talk about someone kissing on the lips. In LR Allison talks with Matt. Amanda & Parker hear the laughter and go to see who it is and sees Allison/Matt. Allison heads back to bed. In sauna room Matt tells Amanda/Parker that Allison going home. Allison comes in and puts herself all over Matt. Matt goes to kiss Allison and she pulls away. Amanda tells Parker to play with her hair. (Obviously Amanda/Parker/Matt can’t strategize with Allison there!)

2:10 am BBT:
Allison heads to bed. Matt talks trash about Allison. Matt tells Parker/Amanda that Alex told him Natalie looks weird.

2:13 am BBT:
Natalie interrupts saying she thought there was an earthquake and wanted to check it out "but I guess it was just the camera." Natalie only wearing towel.

2:17 am BBT:
Matt tells Amanda/Parker he wants to sleep with Allison before she leaves and every girl the night before they leave so that he will be on All-stars. Natalie returns. Parker says he’s tired of tiptoeing around Alex. Amanda files Parker’s nails. Matt says we need Alex with Chelsia so she’s happy and doesn’t fuck up our game. Matt says the final 6 has to be "myself, Natalie, Amanda, Parker, Alex, and Jen!"

2:23 am BBT:
Parker/Amanda/Matt tell Natalie to go up to HOH and strip tease on Alex's bed waking him up but make sure to make him want more. Natalie hurries away. Alex opens the HOH door for Natalie. He is lying in bed with her. Natalie tells Alex "Matt & Allison were talking." Natalie tells Alex she like him and that their partners not talking a lot to them. Alex tells Natalie he'll talk to Matt. Alex tells Natalie to not use POV. As us 6 have biggest targets on our back. Alex says we have Josh/Sharon & James/Chelsia to have Allison/Ryan go home. And if we have HOH next week put up Shelia/Adam & James/Chelsia." Alex says it will be obvious if someone goes against us. Natalie says he worries Parker/Jen may go. Natalie tells Alex she hopes everyone is telling her truth and that Allison leaves. Amanda enters says "o sorry" and runs downstairs. Alex runs after her into sauna room. Alex & Amanda yell as Jen/Ryan laugh from BR. Alex tells Amanda we weren’t fooling around. Alex, "fuckin’ retard, yeah I would go to fuck Natalie because I couldn’t get any all day." Alex comes down and jokes with Amanda they’re going to make me look bad on TV. Natalie strips to her thong. Matt, “you two were up there in thongs?" Alex, "I’m tired of this shit I’m going to bed." Natalie tells them that Alex said its up to Her/Matt what to do with POV.

2:40 am BBT:
Ryan & Jen make out in BR. Amanda & Natalie leave. Natalie tells Ryan/Jen what happed upstairs. Matt fools with Amanda "go upstairs 2 your hubby." In sauna Amanda tells Matt to use POV. Amanda tells Jen/Ryan that Matt/Parker set up the Amanda running up and getting Alex mad angle.

2:44 am BBT:
Amanda & Natalie head to their respective beds. Ryan/Jen head to bed as Parker/Ryan continue to talk in Sauna room. Alex yells at Amanda some more. Alex says "you fucking idiot I think she’s a transvestite!" Amanda, "Why are you being rude? I’m going to go downstairs if you yell at me." Alex "I know, I know, you slam the fucking door and said I’m sorry.” Why would I be with fucking Natalie she fucking gross! Whatever… I guess I deserve it because you thought you were with Parker!" Matt & Parker talk about Alex running down & POV. Parker tells him to use it. Matt promises Parker you are staying. Parker tells Matt they are lying to you they want you to think one way and do the other. Amanda heads down for "milk" Amanda tells Parker/Matt how Alex is mad. Amanda tells them what Alex called her. Matt heads to bed and passes Adam on the way as he goes to use bathroom. Parker smiles at camera while Amanda’s gone. Amanda returns gets the milk and tells Parker I have to go I’m being mean to Alex.