Tuesday, July 31, 2007
more video from july 30th 2007
Daniele crying to her dad after the blowout with jen
amber and dick talking part 1
amber and dick talking part 2
Posted by
8:20 PM
Labels: big brother
The Two Coreys - Week 1 Review
July 29, 2007
I love this show! Haim is so completely self obsessed, has no respect for anything or anyone, while Feldman has his life together. Feldman is a vegetarian and so is his wife, and there is a hilarious scene where they have the leader of PETA over to the house for dinner, and Haim orders a pizza with extra pepperoni. I won't be missing an episode of this if I can help it, pure gold.
Discuss The Two Coreys here on the Addicted to Big Brother forums
official site for the show
Posted by
6:50 PM
Canadian Idol Top 8 Review by janeyfan
July 30th Recap. Unplugged acoustic. Enrique Iglesias was the guest mentor this week.
Martha Joy sang True Colors by Cyndi Lauper - I felt there were a few nice moments but there were a lot of rough parts as far as her tone goes. I didn't really get too excited about her performance. She's not a bad singer she just doesn't have that special something that makes me look forward to seeing her perform each week.. The Judges said that they weren't feeling her performance, another said it was good, was her style of singing, they mentioned a horrible note she hit in the middle and Zach called her the Little Mermaid.
Dwight D'eon sang Every Breathe You Take by the Police - I felt he hit some really bad notes some of his performance was good but another one where I didn't really get too excited. The Judges thought that parts were good, wasn't the greatest,another said it was great, terrific even. The majority though didn't really think it was all that.
Jaydee Bixby sang Time of Your Life by Greenday - I felt that it was really predictable. More of his fake country accent singing a song that he made to sound *I know this is hard to believe* Country. He didn't really seem to get the emotions behind the song. It was just like he was up here singing and not really getting into the song. It lacked any emotion. The Judges said that it wasn't an honest performance. Zach again voiced his extreme dislike of a fake southern accent for Canadians singing country. Sass actually said that it was an unpredictable approach (seriously does she even pay attention?). Another judge said that he had stuck to his roots but had showed too many flaws this week.
Tara Oram sang Heaven by Bryan Adams - I felt that she had improved a bit over the past weeks we have seen her. I actually enjoyed her performance. However I still don't think she is in the same league as Greg Neufeld or Carly Rae Jepsen. The judges felt that she had a strong start but it fell apart, she didn't hit all the notes, it was a shaky performance that needed more control but that she hit a good note at the end.
Brian Melo sang She Talks To Angels by The Black Crows - I felt for the most part it was too rough and his voice cracked too much for my liking. The beginning was pretty good but the end was not so hot for me. The Judges said that it was intense, powerful, fantastic, killer, one of them even went so far as to say that they liked it better than the original (was Jake Gold btw) I wouldn't go that far sorry.
Matt Rapley sang Ain't No Sunshine by Bill Withers - I felt that it wasn't too bad. At one point during the song it sounded like he ran out of breath. I didn't like how he sat on a chair the whole time and didn't really get into the song. He and Jaydee both seemed to be just singing a song without really getting the emotions that you needed to sing their songs. I think that Matt has a nice tone to his voice he just needs to step it up and perform with emotion and conviction. The Judges said that he has a beautiful voice and tone but needs to step it up. He is the most gifted they have ever had on the show but he needs to dig deeper.
Carly Rae Jepsen sang Torn by Natalie Imbruglia - I actually liked her performance this week. Shocker for sure. When she sang in her deeper voice I really liked it. Her high little girl voice grates on my nerves apparently. It was nice to hear her sounding more mature. She really got into the song and portrayed the emotions it was meant to make the listener feel. The Judges said it was raw, fantastic, beautiful, vulnerable and unforgettable. They told her she was a true contender and Jake Gold said it gave him goosebumps.
Greg Neufeld sang I'm Ready by Bryan Adams. - I will try to be impartial each week with Greg since he is by far my favorite of the bunch and my pick to win. With that being said I felt that I love the tone of his voice, he really got deep inside the song and truly felt what the song writer wanted to portray with his song. I felt Greg was the best of the night with Carly Rae being a very close 2nd. The Judges said that nobody was in his league tonight, it was a phenomenal performance, fantastic, natural and that he has the whole package.
Winner of the night in my opinion and I think in the Judges as well is Greg ;D..
The person I think should be eliminated is Dwight D'eon or Jaydee. I think they are both great guys but they just aren't at the level that some of the others are.. :(
by janeyfan
Posted by
6:33 PM
Video - July 30, 2007
Dick and Nick yelling at Jen
Daniele and Jen fighting (Dick and the tea)
some of the fight aftermath
Posted by
12:43 PM
Labels: big brother
Monday, July 30, 2007
Discuss the new Nick!
Give your thoughts on Nick's new Mohawk!
click here
Posted by
11:01 PM
BB House fly by
According to RealityBBQ, a banner plane flew over the BB house today, which read: "We see the D.R. Trust Nick. Eric Lies." Does CBS allow this again? If so, America's Player could be in jeopardy.
discuss it here on the forums
Posted by
10:51 PM
Forum Topic - America's Choice Catch Pharse
CLICK HERE to join the discussion!
Posted by
5:09 PM
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Together Again: Corey Feldman and Corey Haim
quote from A&E: "Yes, you heard right, the Coreys are back together! Corey Haim and Corey Feldman met in 1987 on the set of the iconic teen film The Lost Boys. The "Two Coreys," as they instantly became known, grew to be best of friends, growing up together both on and off screen. Propelled by their legendary onscreen chemistry, the two went on to star in a series of films that would define a generation, including The Lost Boys, Dream a Little Dream and License to Drive. They were kings of the 80's teen box office. Their posters hung on bedroom walls and their faces adorned countless magazine covers. They had it all. Money. Fame. Girls. Then each was faced with personal setbacks. While Feldman ultimately took control of his life, Haim's life and career took a downturn. Now, nearly two decades later after taking separate paths in life, the friends are back together on-screen and under one roof in the A&E Real-Life series THE TWO COREYS, premiering July 29th at 10:00PM ET/PT. "
check out the website here for all the info!
discuss the show on the forums here
Posted by
6:05 PM
Friday, July 27, 2007
Entertainment Weekly not sold on "Evil"
An article by Lynette Rice on Entertainment weekly takes a stance on "Evil" Dick that most internet fans don't necessarily share:
"It took all of two days for me to snap out of it and see Evil for what he really is: a self-righteous bully"
"I was so tired of listening to Evil boss everybody around, it was rather refreshing to see someone like the mild-mannered Mike throw it back in his face "
Discuss what you think of the article on the Addicted to Big Brother forums here
Posted by
4:51 PM
Survivor China: No Exile Island
Apparently Exile Island is no more as the 15th installment of Survivor approaches, probably due to the mainland setting.
Quote: "We got rid of exile island," said Burnett. "We still have a hidden immunity idol but it is right under their noses."
Posted by
3:36 PM
FORUM TOPIC - who will Dustin nominate
CLICK HERE to discuss!
Posted by
1:54 PM
Labels: big brother
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Thursday Live Eviction Recap 07/26/07
Julie, wearing a half-sleeve orange blouse ensemble and white slacks, greets the HGs. "One of you was incredibly bold this week" and showed the HGs tape of Zach streaking. Julie asks Jen how the investigation into the mustard vandalism incident is going. Jen says she's called of the investigation off, she'll wait until she gets home.

Julie talks to Dick in the HoH room: Julie: Hello, Dick. Just a reminder, the other house guests cannot hear you, so feel free to say whatever you want.: Dick: "I always do. " Julie: "It's been a very emotional week for you, but at least you and your daughter seem to be talking more. How are you feeling about your relationship?" Dick: "Things are headed in the right direction. We are talking. We're just -- I mean, that's the whole important part right now. We had our first heart to heart talk the other night and I got my first hug in over two years. So, yeah, things are going in the right direction. There's setbacks and little jabs here and there back and forth but things

More pre-voting comments from the DR show Jameka, Daniele, and Nick leaning towards voting to evict Kail.
Who is the real Jen? Outside the Big Brother house, she's a Beverly Hills nanny who raises children. Inside the house, she's a controversial figure who raises hell. But the people who know her best, say we might be surprised to discover the real Jen. "Jennifer is my daughter. When

It's time to vote, but first Mike and Kail get one last word, Mike goes first: "Well, sometimes in life, you have to step outside of our comfort zone. And you know, move away from those protective walls and risk your own security basically for what you believe in. And I believe in values of integrity and honesty. And more often than not, a sacrifice feels in the absence of convenience. And I had to make some actions in a very inconvenient situation for myself which sacrificed my security. In the hopes that all of you would see how close I hold those values to my heart and in the hopes that you would trust a player that has those types of values." Julie interrupts, "And a final note? " "If not, I'm going to walk out of that door with absolute dignity in the hopes that I have, you know, enlightened you all and inspired you all in some way. Thank you."
Next, Kail got to make her pitch: "I would like to say to each and every one of you that I really, really appreciate all of your friendships to me. It has meant a lot to me, your friendship. And each and every one of us will always have a special bond together of just living in the Big Brother" house, and if I am so blessed by all of you to stay here, I only look forward to strengthening our friendship and the bonds that we have started to grow."
Zach voted first, and to evict Kail Jameka voted to evict Mike, as did Jen, Dustin, Amber, Nick, Jessica and Daniele Eric voted with America. Julie reads the results: "In a vote of seven to two, Mike, you have been evicted from the Big Brother house." Mike picked up his bag and went to the front door. Perhaps forgetting that he's Big Brother, and not The Bachelor, Mike gave each girl a flower from the arrangements by the door. He shook all the guys hands and hugged all the girls. Julie asked he usual questions, showed the regular goodbye clips...
The Power is up for Grabs: It was a simple quick game this week, if you answer a question correctly, you can eliminate one of your housemates.

Question Two: "Which ex-houseguest was the only one to play in the competition known as hide-and-seek?" The correct answer was Carol, Dustin got it right and took out Zach.
Kail was eliminated next, followed by Nick, Jessica, Amber.
On the fifth question, Eric threw the game by buzzing in before Julie finished the question. It was down to Dustin and Jameka.
Question Six: "Of the ex-guests, who spun the longest on the mushroom" Dustin answered "Joe" and became the fourth HoH on Big Brother 8. Dustin Wins HoH
Posted by
10:58 PM
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
It's time for Eric, America' Player, to start a new catchphrase in the BB house! Vote and see if yours is a choice in the America's Player vote on Sunday, July 29th.
click here to vote
Posted by
11:40 PM
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Danielle and Nick still hot and heavy
Apparently early this morning Nick and Danielle were kissing under the covers of Nick's bed, and Nick was heard saying she makes him want to "do stuff". Danielle did not remain in the bed but returned to her own. It seems things are still heating up for these two!
Posted by
2:18 PM
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Discuss the latest nominations
Discuss Dick's nominations on the Addicted to Big Brother forum here
Posted by
4:22 PM
Friday, July 20, 2007
Survivor China start date, rumours
CBS has announced the start date to Survivor: China. It will be Thursday, Sept. 20 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT).
Survivor rumours/facts
- WWE Diva Ashley Massaro is rumoured to be part of the cast
- there is rumoured to be a regular AND an All-Stars season to be filmed in China
discuss Survivor China and all seasons of Survivor here
Posted by
3:47 PM
Article on Global about Kail's mistakes
"When he didn't use the Veto in 'Big Brother 3', former House Calls host Marcellas Reynolds made one of the biggest blunders in the history of the series. Then came along 'Jar Jar' Howie Gordon who was manipulated into targeting a member of his own alliance in season six.
What Kail Harbick did this week though in the end may come close to topping those infamous 'Big Brother' mistakes..........."
click here to read the full article.
Posted by
3:34 PM
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Evil Dick is the new HOH
From possible eviction to the top spot in the BB House, Evil Dick is the new head of household after a tie breaker question between himself, Danielle and Mike. Check out the forum topic here to discuss it.
Posted by
9:54 PM
Joe is evicted from the BB house! forum topic
Click here to participate in dicussion about the latest BB eviction of Joe!
Posted by
9:40 PM
Hot Topic! - Caption This
To caption this picture and read this thread CLICK HERE!
Posted by
4:37 PM
Labels: big brother
My thoughts on Canadian Idol by janeyfan
Top 10 - July 17th, 2007
1.Dwight D'eon performed Crazy (not sure of that name) by Matchbox20. I thought it was not really all that good and dont think that he is as good as some of the others. The Judges
said he sang well and showed lots of growth. One of them actually said would have been more interesting if he had sang better (lol ya think?).
2. Khalila Glanville performed Killing me softly by Roberta Flack. I thought it was a great song choice for her and was a really strong performance for her. The Judges actually agreed with me for the most part saying it was really nice and had intensity. Zach said it didnt make it go WOW!
3. Carly Rae Jepsen performed Inside and out by the BeeGees I thought that I really really dont like her voice. She has good energy on stage but I just cant get past her voice. Something about her singing just doesnt do it for me. The Judges said it was cool, killer, Zach didnt "get it", the performance had no dynamics, not enough emotion, applaud effort.
4. Brian Melo performed If you could only see by Tonic I thought that it was a pretty good performance I love his tone. The Judges said it was a good job, lots of intensity, and that he needed more confidence.
5. Mila Miller performed Signed, sealed, delivered by Stevie Wonder I thought that it wasnt all that. Was like she was at a karaoke bar. Something in her voice sounds like she is constantly stuffed up. The Judges said she didnt sing it very well, that she didnt own it and wasnt competitive, also that it was too safe.
6. Jaydee Bixby performed hmm well dont know why I didnt write down what he sung d'oh :-[ I thought that it was rough at times and I didnt really like it. I really really want to hear him sing something more current. The Judges said it was an electric performance, the Michael Buble of Country music, the Bobby Darin of today.
7. Greg Neufeld performed All these things that I've done by the Killers I thought he looked a bit stiff at the beginning and it was a bit rough at times. It wasnt too bad but he has done much better. So far he has been my fav of the competition. The Judges said that he really delivered, Zach said he shouldnt do that kind of song, others said it was intense and the highlight of their night, one actually said he was the prize fighter taking the fight.
8. Martha Joy performed The power of love by Celine Dion I thought it had some very rough spots and it actually hurt my ears. She forces the power notes too much. The Judges said it was a strong performance, best singer in the competition, finally a voice of reason said it was a bad arrangement and she was milking it, she has skills, was technically good but sleepy.
9. Tara Oram performed You win my love by Shania Twain I thought she has a great stage presence but her singing is not good enough. She isnt a bad singer but in my opinion she isnt Idol worthy. You could probably hear the same quality performance in any
karaoke bar. The Judges said it was predictable but the best from her so far, strong performance, there are limitations to her range but she knows them and is able to work around them.
10. Matt Rapley performed I heard it through the grapevine by Marvin Gaye I thought that it was hard for me to listen to because it is probably some of the only type of music I dont like He did an okay job but nothing I wanted to shout HOORAY about. The Judges said it was nice and energetic, loved it, he glided through the song, too safe, too karaoke.
So far I am gonna stick with my fav Greg. I still think the judges are deaf but at least I am agreeing with some of them finally.
by janeyfan
Posted by
4:06 PM
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
victoria beckham coming to america
the premire last night on nbc showed this hilarious, hot brit arriving in L.A. and setting up a new life for herself and her family. whether she's getting her driver's licence, finding and house or getting to know her neighbours victoria is major. this show is a must see and it doesn't hurt that she and her hubby are beyond hot.
Posted by
2:34 PM
TV Guide interview with Carol
TV Guide's interview with Carol where she discusses alot of her opinions of the houseguests
click here to read
Posted by
10:01 AM
Labels: big brother
forum topic - eric ... i finally know who he reminds me of!!
CLICK here to discuss.
Posted by
12:31 AM
Labels: big brother
Monday, July 16, 2007
Eric completes his task
Eric gets into Joe and Jessica's bed on Joe's side
Posted by
3:03 PM
Labels: big brother
new videos
amber the motor mouth (poor mike)
the drinking game with no drink
daniele and jameka talk
poor dick!
daniele and dick being cival
Posted by
2:39 PM
Labels: big brother
Sunday, July 15, 2007
dick and jen at it again
this happened right after the veto comp.
Posted by
12:00 AM
Saturday, July 14, 2007
and the bickering begins ...
jen apparently threatened amber about using the veto/not trying to win the veto and this is what followed.
Posted by
4:04 PM
Labels: big brother
Friday, July 13, 2007
Carol's First Post-Eviction Interview
Why was Carol not surprised to be voted out first on Big Brother 8? What is she realizing now that she’s off the show? Has she kept everything in perspective? And what does she think of the “enemies” twist, both with Jessica and the other duos? Carol answers all – very honestly – right here in this RealityNewsOnline interview!
Carol might not have been the best Big Brother player, but she was a nice person on the show and a delight to talk to. Throughout the interview, she kept a positive attitude and was able to laugh at all that went on. She also recognizes that perhaps Big Brother was not the game for her.
RealityNewsOnline: Hi, Carol, how are you?
Carol: I’m fabulous.
RNO: Did you have a particular strategy going into the house?
Carol: I was so naïve when it came to the show. I had no idea what I was doing. So no, I didn’t have any sort of strategy. I just kind of went in with hopes of seeing what would happen.
RNO: In several confessionals, players indicated they didn’t think you were a very big game player in the house, especially compared to everybody else. Eric said something about there being 13 sharks and Carol in the house. What do you think?
Carol: That’s awesome, I love it! I had no idea how to play the game, or what I was doing. I went for the experience and the opportunity. It was something that came up and I was like sure, why not. I’m not going to lie, I was not exactly a good player at all, I just went for fun. I should have thought about this a little more before I got in there. That’s basically what I’m realizing right now. Whoops. (Laughing)
RNO: When Julie Chen announced your eviction, you said you saw it coming. Why?
Carol: Oh, I knew it was coming. I was very very very clear to the houseguests there. I really didn’t want to be there any longer. I thought I would like it, but the minute I left my house, all I could think about was going home. I was not in the right mindset or competitive state to play the game. The houseguests knew I wanted to go home.
I think I have got to be the worst Big Brother player ever, is what I’m realizing through this whole thing. I really did not know what I was getting myself into.
RNO: But at least you recognize that now. You wouldn’t believe some of the people I’ve talked to who never get it.
Carol: I’m very much aware.
RNO: One of the goodbye videos mentioned you have a big heart, which doesn’t always work well in a game like this. Do you think you were too nice to be on Big Brother?
Carol: I can’t say I was perfect and an angel. But I definitely didn’t have the drive to be hurtful or deceitful or conniving. I was very honest and open the whole time, which probably hurt me.
RNO: Did it surprise you that Jessica had been acting like a witch about you behind your back throughout the show?
Carol: The whole time I was in there, I told myself I wouldn’t say anything mean. I thought it was so petty that we were there from a fight in 8th grade. And then when I saw the comments [after being evicted]… I thought maybe she had grown up a bit, but she was still saying the same thing. It was very immature. There are no good characteristics you can see from her representation of herself. I told myself I wasn’t going to say anything mean about her, but… whoops.
RNO: What did you think of this particular twist as it applied to you?
Carol: My initial thought was this is so pathetic. How can this be a significant twist? But I think I didn’t think it was significant because I wasn’t still bitter and angry. But because she still was, I guess it put a little tension in the show. When I got off [and saw the comments], that sparked a little fire in me, so she’d better hope she does not get out of there soon. That’s all I have to say. She does live across the street from me, we’re around the corner from each other. We grew up together from second grade on.
RNO: You might hope she stays on, but I hope she goes. I can’t take that voice much longer.
Carol: I love the fact that you just said that. I’m so thankful I’m not the only person who notices that. I’m so happy that Jen got HOH. I really hope she puts Jessica up.
RNO: What did you think about the twist as it applied to the other two duos?
Carol: I most felt sympathy for Dick and Daniele. I felt horrible for Daniele. It’s a horrible situation. Dick is like an awful father, he made life so uncomfortable for her. As for Joe and Dustin – I think they were both there for comedic relief.
RNO: Who was it most awkward to be around?
Carol: The one person I couldn’t talk to no matter how much I forced myself to was Jessica, of course. I had no intentions of befriending her. I knew I had to talk to her simply because of the game. That was the most awkward and uncomfortable situation.
RNO: Did your father express any reservations about you going on Big Brother?
Carol: He was a little concerned at first. But he said as long as I represent myself well and don’t do anything I would regret I would be fine. I really don’t think I said or did anything I’m ashamed of. It was something I will never forget.
RNO: Do you have anything else you want to tell us about your time on Big Brother?
Carol: Jessica has something coming to her. What goes around comes around, so she’d better watch out.
RNO: Thanks, Carol!
Posted by
3:57 PM
Show Recap-Thursday 07/12/07
Tonight's Broadcast: Julie brings us up to speed on past events. Amber has the support of Dick and Dustin (they both trust Amber), Amber says she thinks she's staying. Carol even goes to Jessica for her support, although Jessica's not interested in helping her. Joe wants Amber out because he see how close Amber is to Dustin, and Joe wants Dustin out. The house is split and it's up to the Mrs. Robinson Alliance to decide which one goes. Julie talks to the HGs, concentrating on the six with the histories. Julie: "Dick, you've had a chance to spend some time with your daughter. How has that been for you? " Dick: "Kind of interesting. I've had -- at least we're talking, even if it is just on a cordial, real surface kind of a deal. It's baby steps. Walking in seeing her was so much fun. [sarcasm] Just kind of -- expected unexpected -- expect the unexpected. Yeah, and it was -- it's been so far, I don't know, hard. Julie: "Let me talk to Daniele what has it been like for you, Daniele." Daniele: "How is it for me? "Awkward!"I [Daniele figured Julie would ask this question and she jokingly practiced her lyrical way of saying "Awkward"] It's been, honestly, awkward and kind of uncomfortable. It's an odd situation to have to deal with in front of a bunch of different people. Luckily everybody's been really nice and really caring about it. So it's making it easier.

Posted by
11:20 AM
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Show Recap Tuesday 07/10/07

Posted by
12:13 AM
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Carefree Dick ...... literally ..........18+ only
click for dick gotta love those play on words. LOL!
Posted by
9:45 PM
Jen confirmed as "Chill Town Ringer"
Mike Boogie confirms that Jen is in fact the Chill Town "Ringer"
click here for the full story
Posted by
6:12 PM
Two New Videos Uploaded
dick being dick 09-07-07
lyrical genius 09-07-07
Posted by
5:31 PM
Monday, July 09, 2007
new screencaps uploaded
CLICK HERE to view. There's over 300 for today so far. for the whole collection click the link screencap link below the banner.
Posted by
2:15 AM
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Daily Recap Summary - Friday 07/06/07
Here is the feed recap summary for Friday 07/06/07:
At 8:03 the first stir of house guests awaking, Kail is awake and talking to Jen who slept in the HOH bed with her. Big Brother does not waste much time at 8:30 they wake everyone up announcing that the VETO competition will be in 90 minutes. Dustin and Jen have a conversation, Jen tells him she believes that one of the first contestants booted out will come back in, and she believes it always is that way. That’s only years 1 and 2 someone didn’t return. Dustin thinks that people are taking this game way too seriously, that it is too early to be thinking about these things. Mike and Zach spend considerably long time in the mirror primping and doing their hair. By 9:00 am the houseguests are on lockdown inside as they prepare for the VETO competition. Jameka reads some bible verses to Zach, Dani interrupts and they discuss how she went to Christian school and had all Christian academic style classes. BB calls Jameka to the DR and takes her bible, it seems it was not a religious bible but a self help type of bible which are forbidden in the house. Dick and Amber discuss the VETO, She asked him to win the VETO for her if he gets to play, He kept reassuring her that she does not need it, that Carol will be leaving and tries to convince her to just leave nominations as they are so that Carol will leave. Amber starts talking to Nick and others, telling them that if she wins VETO she will pull a Marcellas and not use it- that she will respect Keil’s decision. She wants reassurance from them that they will not vote her out if she does not use it. She starts saying she just does not want Carol to win because then she will be going home. That they should do everything they can so Carol does not win.
to read more or post your comments, click here:
Posted by
11:47 PM
Daily Recap Summary-Thursday 07/05/07
For those that don't want to read the feed recaps, here is a summary of what happened on the feeds:
9:00 PM: Feeds Go Live! Carol and Amber are in the big blue room, and its pretty clear they are nominated. Amber wanders off to ... somewhere... and Carol joins Dustin in the Gym. They discuss the veto (played on Friday) and the fact that Carol knows Dustin would save Amber if he had the chance. He tells her "We connected right away." Amber and Dustin are apparently bed buddies as well. Conversation switches to an alliance of 6, but there are no names mentioned specifically. They talk about Joe (Carol likes him), and Zach (Dustin thinks he's playing his own game and adds "He's setting up his own pieces. It's whether or not you want to be part of his chess board or not." [ok...] Carol says he offered her a vote in the future.) Most of the others (Daniele, Jen, Mike(?), Eric, Nick) are out in the hot tub, and Jessica and Joe are in the kitchen. Some of the houseguests are on slop, and Jessica and Joe are wondering if they can eat some body paint(!?) that is laying around. The hot tub group wonders if they can sing songs that they make up. [They are all very conscious of the cameras, and all make comments from time to time about being watched.] Dick, Jameka, and Zach have been given a golf game [It looks like a leftover from last year's veto comp] because they were using mops earlier. Eric tries to make friends with us by calling us "internet nerds" in between really loud talking/laughing and nearly continuous f bombs. He and the hot tub crew talk about how hard the slop must have been on George last year.
for the rest of the daily summary, click here:
Posted by
10:53 AM
Friday, July 06, 2007
Big Brother Show Recap-Premier 07/05/07
Let the Games Begin!!!!!
So this is the moment we've been waiting for, the premiere of Big Brother 8. As always, the show began with the video of the 14 houseguests getting their keys and learning they were selected for the showThe narrator gives us a tease of what's to come: "And tonight six people have no idea what is about to happen to them. They will each come face-to-face with the last person they would ever want to see. A father, estranged from his daughter, they have not spoken in two years. [Dick and Daniele] A bitter ex-boyfriend, one sought vengeance by turning all their friends against the other [Joe and Dustin], and then these two, former high school best friends forever, but what tore them apart? [Jessica and Carol]" In random order Julie Chen lets the houseguests enter the house and choose their beds. Carol, Joe, Mike and Amber entered first, then Nick, Daniele and Jameka, followed by Kail, Jen, Eric and Zack.Julie: "The houseguests are settling in and starting to feel at ease in the house. But they wouldn't be so comfortable if they knew that there are three other people in the house right at this moment. But where are they? And who are they?" When we returned from the commercial we got to see Dustin, Jessica and Dick in the HoH room. "I'm sure you are wondering why there are only three of you in the Big Brother house. Well, you are not alone. There are 11 houseguests downstairs, and not all of them are strangers to you. Each of you will be spending the summer with someone from your past. It could be an enemy, or a rival or someone you have unfinished business with. In short, the last person you would ever want to see in the big brother house. The good news is the other houseguests have no idea that you are in the house. And you're going to be able to watch their every move, and they won't be able to see you. I'll leave you now to find out with whom you'll be spending the summer."
for the full recap, click here:
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12:06 PM
Thursday, July 05, 2007
New House Tour Video with Allison Grodner and Julie Chen
Check out the latest house tour video with Allison Grodner and Julie Chen:
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3:51 PM
and then there were 14
The Canadian Idol judges had their fingers on the pulse of the voting public Wednesday night, accurately predicting three of the four competitors eliminated from the Top 18.
Both Sass Jordan and Zack Werner forsaw the departure of rock goddess Naomi-Joy Blackhall and Toronto belter Scarlett Burke when asked at the beginning of the show which women they would send home.
When asked which male singers would be on their way, judges Jake Gold and Farley Flex both named B.C. crooner Clifton Murray, but missed the mark when they chose Halifax rocker Dwight d'Eon - who landed in the bottom four, but did receive few enough votes to be eliminated.
Also ending his Canadian Idol run was Sarnia singer-songwriter Andrew Austin, who wowed the judges during this week's performance (the first-ever where a competitor on the show accompanied themselves with an instrument) but landed in the bottom four for the second week in a row.
"I have a lot of music going on outside this show," Andrew said when the results were announced. "I hope you people will keep looking for me. Thanks for having me on. I had a really amazing time."
"Andrew... certainly knows who he is," noted Zack, adding the rest of those who were eliminated might not have resonated with the Canadian public. "The people who are staying are good choices: people who made a decision to stand for something, to represent something they'll be if they had a career. I think Canada knocked one out of the park."
Once the results were announced, Naomi-Joy explained why she thought she'd lost her spot.
"I think the two songs I sang weren't as recognizable to the voting public," she said.
The judges had touched on this when critiquing her obscure first-week choice, and many of brought it up again when offering advice to the remaining competitors.
"The song's got to have some relationship to who you are and who you want to be as an artist," said Farley. "It's got to be relevant to the Canadian public and it's got to have an element of risk so you can show yourself and the public what your potential really is."
"A lot of what this show is about is song choice," said Jake. "If they want to be singers, they have to be writers at some point in their career."
"Guys, if you pick the right song, you will give the right performance," added Sass.
Scarlett had taken some heat for her choice of CCR's "Proud Mary" the night earlier, but when asked if she had any regrets, she simply said she "had a good time and... sang (her) heart out for everybody."
Hamilton's Brian Melo, Toronto's Mila Miller and Montreal's Khalila Glanville also hit bottom three status but breathed sighs of relief after learning they'd be back onstage for at least one more week.
In his turn to say goodbye, Clifton graciously reminded viewers that they still have lots to look forward to.
"I want to thank everyone for voting," he said. "Last night I didn't breathe and kind of choked. These guys are solid so you've got a lot to look out for."
See what songs the men of the Top 14 have in store on Monday, July 9 at 9 p.m. on CTV.
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1:47 PM
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
HOH room not being used as that on premiere night
WeLoveBigBrother.com has discovered some interesting information about this year's Head of Household bedroom.
According to this exclusive video only on WLBB, on premiere night the HOH room will not serve as the HOH room.
"I definitely can't show you anything right now, cause it looks nothing like the HOH room," Julie said in the video. "And that's because on premiere night, it doesn't serve that purpose. Why? You'll have to tune in to find out."
Could this mean it's being used for a competition or yet another twist to the game?
Stay with WLBB for all the latest in Big Brother news and exclusives.
Watch the video in the player on the right.
Do not copy this video from this site.
Video courtesy CBS
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6:53 PM
Big Brother Rivalries Are Revealed
So the theme of this year is gonna be something like Keep Your Friends Close, but your Enemies Closer" (not the exact theme put pretty darn close). There are several pairs of houseguests that have "connections" and those connections are not going to be of the friendly type. This should be gooood
Are these for real or not.....according to Executive Producer Allison Grodner, it is....
Click here to read more:
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5:30 PM
Labels: big brother
Janie Speaks About BB8 Houseguests
Our beloved Janie talks about the houseguests of Big Brother 8:
Ever wonder what some of the former HGs might think of the current ones? Well, a bulletin went out on myspace a little while ago from our friend Laura, whom many of you know as Popples. In it she quoted her friend Deb, who had occasion to speak with Janie from seasons 6 & 7. What follows is the bulletin in it's entirety. Enjoy.Hi Laura, Janie had a chat and this is what she said, Will told her this, kind of interesting... I'll be keeping an eye on this girl. I'm adding other things Janie said about BB also...July 1st"She said today the HG's would be going into the house and the first day walk around they house like an idiot and have your first dinner and hohShe wanted to know if we had seen Laremy's predictions on Jokers???? Said he is way off.Janelle said the house this year is her favorite. Then suggested that it is nicer because they have a bigger budget as they aren't shelling out 2 grand a week for HG's. They have to give $700 for new houseguestsJanelle loves the new cast and said that she can't wait to pick out an amazing dress for the wrap party and meet the cast . So far she wants to meet Dani (a fellow blonde bombshell) and Mike because he is super hot.'She asked who are favorites HG's are so far. Someone said Nick and she said she likes Nick too but hopes he is not meathead!!!Janie said she and Will are still friends and he keeps talking about the ringer he put in the game. She said the ringer is Jen. Will told her to watch for a t-shirt and she had a t-shirt with a slogan on it. He has given her other hints too so Janelle is sure it is Jen. Will also has told her things like "I will see you in the BB House this summer."She thinks it is cool that Dick and Dani know each and thinks they probably have a pre-game alliance. her favorite HG's are Dani, Mike, and Dick (Dick only because she met him, she knows he will play good and he is a big fan of the game.) Someone told her Mike was gay and she wanted to know why all the good looking guys are gayShe said she is getting the feeds and will be totally addicted. Also reconfirmed that she is doing HC at the end of July.Talking more about the the HG's she said she thinks Joe is going to be America's player and that they are going to want him to flirt with guys. Said Howie did that and he didn't even get paid. In discussing who would get evicted first, Janelle said she used to think Kail but she recognized her from the BB6 auditions and knows she is a big fan of the game. So like Dick she will probably do well. Janelle predicted that Carol or Jessica will be the first one voted out. She said it is always a woman that is the first out because they are easy targets especially when they can't work together. She said if they were a bunch of ugly chicks like in BB6, the could work together but since their are no hags in the bunch, we should expect cat fights. Someone mentioned she was able to work with Sarah and Rachel and Janelle responded, I know ... I was calling the Nerd Herd Fugly. Said she was able to work with Rachel and Sarah out of necessityJanie talked a little more about Jen as the CT ringer. She said Will and Boogie just want her to mention Chilltown. If she tanks they won't want anything to do with her, but if she does well they will tell everyone they won three times. She doesn't think Boogie and Jen had sex. She thinks they just want to try to help her be popular or win something ... said "who knows? You know Will and his cryptic messages (he does them to me too)." She told us to watch out for her t-shirts with slogans on them because she is supposed to be wearing them. They won't be restaurant advertisements thought just slogans like "Jenius" and CT. She asked how Will and Boogie got their ringer on, and she said she doesn't know the details: only the very little she has been told. But she said Jen would not need help to get on the show.
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5:25 PM
Executive Producer Allison Grodner Talks About What is Going On In the House Right Now
When it comes to the 'America's Player' twist, 'Big Brother' executive producer Allison Grodner is making a heart-felt apology to Canadian fans of the Global Television - CBS summer reality show.
"We didn't mean to offend Canadians. This is really everybody's player," Grodner told GlobalTV.com as she continued to supervise the live happenings from the secluded 'Big Brother' house in California.
Selected by the producers during the casting of 'Big Brother 8', 'America's Player' will have their actions in the house and in the game controlled by the audience through a poll at the end of every episode. Viewers will be able to cast their ballots via their cell phones or the 'Big Brother 8' site at CBS.com.
"My guess is that the Internet will be the way that people in Canada can have their say. We are certainly not trying to exclude any of our viewers so we will call this...the 'Canadian-American Player'," said Grodner chuckling.
While two of the weekly polls will be strategic in nature -- asking viewers who the 'America's Player' should target for a nomination and whom they should vote to evict -- the third poll on Sunday's show will be for fun. For that poll, viewers might be asked who 'America's Player' should start a showmance with or who they should have a meaningful conversation with. If the player makes it to the final seven, the viewers will also have a vote on the 'Big Brother 8' jury.
"The viewers will have a vote every week so that's a big deal. It is the most interactive we have ever been," commented Grodner.
For every five tasks the 'America's Player' completes, they will get a cash bonus. While the other HouseGuests won't know about the 'America's Player' twist until that person is voted out or wins the game, their identity will be revealed to the audience on the debut of 'Big Brother 8' this Thursday night.
"We are really happy with whom this is. We think this person will do a terrific job," said Grodner.
Having to produce three episodes a week means that Grodner has to get a jump on the action. To do so each year, the players have to enter the house and the 'Big Brother' game must begin before the television debut. It may surprise some viewers to discover that the 'Big Brother 8' HouseGuests are already battling for the $50,000 U.S. grand prize.
"Believe it or not, but in television time, our HouseGuests may not be in the house but here, they are already in the house. The game has begun. The game is on," said an excited Grodner who has added responsibility this year since former producer Arnold Shapiro opted not to return. "This show is always stressful. I have to say that no matter what, it is a ton of work. I don't think people out there really can appreciate what it is to put three almost live shows on the air, every week, all summer long and to have these people go live to the Internet 24/7."
In speaking to GlobalTV.com, Grodner was quick to clear up another misconception: Not everyone in the house will be a part of the "rival or enemy" twist. The twist of having to deal with a real life foe in the house will only apply to some of the players.
"There are past relationships that will surprise some of them on opening night. Not all of them will have a past relationship but some of them will and nobody knows any of this when they walk into the house. We will see how this plays out as this is like the 'X Factor' from four years ago," she explained. "You know the old saying...Keep your friends close and your enemies closer? Well, let's see how that plays out this summer. "Expect the Unexpected" doesn't just go for the audience, it goes for us, the producers, too."
Promising there are more twists to come this season, Grodner gave GlobalTV.com a rundown of some of the standout players thus far.
Joe: "He is terrifically funny and very, very bright. He is a good gameplayer because he is a student of the show. He is incredibly manipulative."
Jemeka: "She has been very isolated, actually. She is from a part of Maryland where she has not been exposed to white people. She really hasn't had any white friends and now she is in a house full of white people. It should be interesting. She is funny and gutsy. She will be really fun to watch."
Nick: "Nick is the hunk of the house for sure. He is a former football player and walks around with his shirt off all the time. I am watching him on the live feeds right now. Wow! The girls are sure to enjoy him. He is not your typical California or Florida dude. He is from Minnesota so he has an accent like y'all do up there. It is adorable."
Kail: "We have a mom who is a business owner from a small town in Oregon. Her values are definitely more conservative than a lot of the people who usually go into the 'Big Brother' house."
Dick is a rocker dad. He was a stand-in for Keith Richards in the last 'Pirates' movie. He's got lots of tats and piercings. You are going to think that Tommy Lee just walked into the house. That will be a shock for the HouseGuests."
Posted by
2:18 PM
Here Comes The Bride - Hell's Kitchen Episode #5
Ok, so tonight looked like it would be a good one and it was. The contestants had to cater a wedding.
Hell's Kitchen 3's fifth episode began with Josh Wahler, a 26-year-old junior sous chef from Miami Beach, FL, explaining how he felt he "did not deserve" to be nominated for elimination by Rock Harper, a 30-year-old executive chef from Spotsylvania, VA, following the last dinner service. It was the second time Rock had nominated Josh for elimination, and gave the reason that Josh "tries to go so fast sometimes" and he "trips" himself up. "Josh is the worst of us," said Rock. "He doesn't have a chance unless I fall flat on my face." While Brad Miller, a 25-year-old sous chef from Scottsdale, AZ, was trying to remind Josh and Rock that they were all a team, Bonnie Muirhead, a 26-year-old nanny and personal chef from Los Angeles, CA, felt like the "elephant in the room" out of the four remaining women. Melissa described Bonnie as a "failure ready to happen," a sentiment that Bonnie didn't think was too far from the truth. "Maybe I just don't have what it takes to be here," she said. The next morning, the seven remaining wannabe chefs and restaurateurs were ushered outside of Hell's Kitchen's restaurant where Gordon informed them they'd be cooking for a wedding reception during the upcoming dinner service challenge, which Bonnie realized was a "once in a lifetime event" and was nervous about screwing it up. But before they began cooking, Gordon informed them each team would receive $100 and have 30 minutes to buy food to prepare an appetizer, fish plate and meat dish for the reception.
for the full recap and to post your thoughts, click here:
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11:26 AM
Monday, July 02, 2007
15th house guest?
this video shows a house guest names samantha ....... wonder what the story is there?
this video was found by bbfan on our forum. THANKS!
Posted by
10:26 AM
Labels: big brother