Big Brother Till Death Do Us Part - The End
Well that's it for the first and most definately last winter edition of Big Brother. Of course you know as soon as I say that, we will have another strike and another winter edition. I seriously doubt it but you know what they say....never say never. However in this case, I think we are safe in saying there will not be another winter Big Brother (at least not for a while).
In looking back over the season, I think for the first winter edition it turned out to be not so bad. There are things I would have changed, that's for sure. But all in all a pretty good season. This had to be one of the most dramatic seasons ever, that's for sure. And one of the raunchiest seasons ever. I don't think we have ever had any one houseguest, much less the whole bunch of them that were so open with their sex talk. I really felt sorry for the editing crew. Trying to make a full one hour show out of what these houseguests gave them had to be difficult. At least they worked for their money this year.
As for the couples thing.......note to Alison Grodner: don't do that again. This only served to mess up the game of several players, who if they were playing by themselves, would have lasted a lot longer, if not made it all the way (Alex, Parker.....). I also think BB needs to do a better job of screening these applicants for mental problems (Chelsia). She was a very angry person and although we did not see that in the first week or so, it became apparent during the Amanda and Josh fight outdoors. And it only got worse. I think one of the most appalling things that came from her was when she choose Easter Sunday as her day to go off on Natalie. Now don't get me wrong, she has a right to go off on Natalie, but for her to destroy things in the house (i.e. eggs and candy) was over the top. I think her destruction of the Easter candy and eggs was a slap in the face to not just Nat but to the other houseguests as well. And if one was so inclined, it was a slap in the face to Christians all over the world. I know she was upset because she was going home, but give me a break. It's a game. Chelsia was a ticking timb bomb. She proved that during the jury questioning as well. She had not gone to the jury house and gotten over anything. She in fact let everything fester and boil up even more. I hope she gets some help for her anger.
As for Josh. You know I love gay guys. It's like talking to your best girlfriend. But in the case of Joshua....nope aint gonna happen. I liked Joshua in the beginning but again when he decided it was his duty to go off on Amanda, that crossed the line. No it wasn't the going off on Amanda that crossed the line, it was the things he said. Not that she had a horse face. If that made me mad, then for sure Dick's antics last would have sent me over the roof. It was when he said that maybe Amanda needed to go hang herself like her dad. To me, that was too far across the line. And then Chelsia had to add in a graphic picture of hanging herself. It was right then and there that both of those went off my "liked" list and landed in first and second place on my "wish they were gone now" list. And Josh got worse as the game went on. His temper really flared up. I give them some leeway considering the environment they are in. But I think after what he said to Amanda I just could not stand anything else that came out of his mouth. And I find this funny because I loved Dick last year.
As for James, I really liked James in the beginning. He was on my like and want to win list from day one. But along the lines, he slowly went from being liked to wanting him out really bad. Not exactly sure why other than guilt by association.
As far as the rest of the house, Allison, Jen, Ryan and Jacob did nothing for me.
Parker, Alex and Amanda were three players I would have liked to see hang around a little longer. As for Sharon, she was a good mole. She played it pretty safe all along. She was able to be friends with everyone, gather information from the enemy and take it back to her alliance. She would fare well on Survivor.
As for Sheila and Adam, I truly belived they were doomed from the start thanks to Sheila's ranting about Adam. Her only just cause for going off at being paired with him was looks. she didn't like his looks.....he wasn't her type. Well after all was said and done, these two proved to be the most compatable, in my book. They were like an old married couple. Nice to each other one minute and cussing each other out the next. They needed each other to get to where they ended up. I am just not happy with Adam for throwing the final HOH and thereby having Sheila evicted, but not by the blood of his hands. I think he should have been the partner he was supposed to be and taken her to the end with him. He still would have won. So what harm would it have done.
There is not much I would have changed about this season, other than the pairings. I thought all in all it was a good season. The competitions were great. The return of past favorites to host the comps were great. I might would add a little more time spent with the returning houseguests. The returning houseguests, I believe, would behave themselves and not give anything away. My only suggestions to BB would be to #1: give them more to do as the game goes on. As more and more houseguests leave the house, it gets more and more boring. Have some mini comps for mini perks. #2: I would ask BB to stop doing overnight comps. This does not sit well with live feed watchers or with Big Brother After Dark watchers. #3: Show the comps on the feeds. It's not like we don't know what has happened. At least show the food comps and luxury comps. #4: quit switching feeds when the talking or action gets good. I know BB thinks if they show everything on the feeds then no one will watch the show but that is not the case. I watch the feeds, the show and Big Brother After Dark. And I know I am not in the minority here.
So, that's it for another season of BB. We only have 10 short weeks until our favorite summer staple will be back. Sounds weird say 10 short weeks instead of 9 months. The tag line for the summer show kinda makes me go hmmmmm as did many of us in feed chat last night. got us wondering if they were gonna do something like Survivor did this year with Fans vs Favorites. That might work and then again I think if they just put 14 "strangers" (keyword strangers) in the house, they would still have a good show.
My final grade for this season of Big Brother.....B+
I want to take this opportunity to thank Christina/Janeyfan for her help all season with the live show recaps. You did an AWESOME job, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! We hope she will be back again this summer. As for my parnters in crime, Babybear and Van, I wish them a speedy recovering and hope they are back in full force come the summer. (please please please......this is hard to do without you two). As for the rest of you that come here and read what I post. Let me know what you think, what you would like to have changed, what you like, what you don't like. Don't forget to visit our sister site and post your comments about Big Brother and all the other reality shows we cover. Want to help? We can use all the help you want to give, whether that be with Big Brother or any other show. If you care to help, just let me know.
Until July 13th when the doctor will definately be in!!!bbfanatik